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"No, Cassie, I haven't," I tell her. "It's been such a challenge. I've tried several times, but something happens, or I lose my nerve whenever I'm about to open up. There is never a right time to tell John the truth."

"Serena, I understand it's not an easy conversation, but you can't keep putting it off. The longer you wait, the harder it will be. John deserves to know the truth, especially if you want to keep your relationship with him." Cassie states point blank.

I run my fingers through my hair.

"I know, I know." I feel so drained. "It's just that… I'm scared of what might happen if I tell him the truth. I don't want to lose John, but I don't want to lose Michael, either. It seems there is no way out of this situation without getting hurt."

"I get that it's a tough spot for you to be in, but you must realize that keeping this secret puts both relationships at risk. John deserves to know the truth, and Michael deserves a chance to be open about his feelings for you with John too. Sweeping everything under the carpet isn't fair to anyone involved. It's time to take responsibility and face the consequences. It won't be easy, but it's necessary for everyone involved. Relationships are built on trust, so if you want to rebuild that trust, you have to start with honesty."

Her words hit me hard, and I can't stop thinking about it. I tell myself to stop settling for the easy way out and have the courage to deal with the situation head-on.

And so, on this particular day, I follow the plan. I pretend to be ill, hoping to create an opportunity for Michael to come over.

John checks up on me, "I wish I didn't have to go to work this morning," he says, looking worried. I muster a weak smile and assure him, "Don't worry about me, John. I'll be all right. You go ahead to work, and I'll rest."

Reluctantly, John gives in, kissing my forehead tenderly before heading out. "Call me if you need anything," he reminds her.

"I promise," I whisper.

I lie in bed, my heart pounding in my chest as I wait for John's car to fade into the distance. The guilt gnaws at me, but I push it aside, telling myself I need more time. I grab my phone and quickly text Michael, my heart beating fast with anticipation.

"Come over now, please." I text, keeping it short and to the point.

I hear a soft knock on the door within minutes, and my heart jumps in excitement and fear. I take a deep breath and open the door quickly. My heart is pounding in my chest as I see Michael standing there.

Without saying a word, we reach out to each other, our lips colliding in a desperate, passionate kiss. My body melts into Michael’s arms as he wraps them around me, lifting me effortlessly off the ground.

He carries me to my bed and lays me gently on the bed. The mere touch of his hands on my skin sends shivers down my spine. Our kisses deepen, becoming more urgent and hungry.

His hands explore my body, caressing every inch, igniting a fire that cannot be put out. Soft moans escape our lips, and I arch my back, losing myself in the pleasure that sweeps through me.

I can feel the tension building, reaching its peak as our bodies move faster and harder. The pleasure washes over me in waves, and I'm consumed by a sequence of ecstasies that leaves me breathless and wanting more.

As we finally find the release, our bodies quiver in sweat, and we indulge in a sense of contentment. We lay there, catching our breath, our bodies still intertwined.

The room is filled with a peaceful silence, broken only by the sound of our deep sighs of satisfaction, feeling alive and free.

We're still in bed, wrapped tightly in each other's arms. The warmth of Michael's body against mine is comforting, but the weight of the unveiled truth hangs heavy in the air.

"I think we need to tell John the truth," Michael says softly, breaking the peaceful silence.

I sigh, burying my face deeper into his chest. It's hard to admit, but he's right. "I know, but it's so damn hard, Michael. What if he never approves? What if we lose him?"

Michael's fingers gently stroke my hair, "Serena, it will only get harder if we keep lying to him. We owe it to him, to be honest."

Tears well up in my eyes, "But what if he hates us, Michael? What if he can never forgive us?"

He cups my face and looks deep into my eyes, "I won't let anything come between us, Serena. And I don’t want to lose John, either. We have to find a way to tell him together. It’s not fair for John, and he deserves to know the truth. "

Tears stream down my face as I nod in understanding.

I know Michael is right. We can't keep lying to John, pretending everything is fine when it's not. I promise Michael that I'll find a way to tell John the truth, and I'll be the one to convince him to accept our relationship.

"You're right, Michael. I'll find a way. I'm the only one who can convince him to accept our relationship."

Michael squeezes my hand, reassuring me. "I'll be right by your side, Serena. Always."

"I love you," I whisper, looking into his eyes.
