Page 13 of Vicious Chaos

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The confused look on Adam’s face makes a lot more sense now.

Romano thinks he belongs to him. If Taylor does too, of course she would think it was safe to pass a message along to him. He must not have known she was another plant. For the sake of his own life, he better not have anyways.

“That little slut has him too tightly wrapped around her pussy. He won’t even spare me a second glance,” she hisses. She leans her forehead against the wall and closes her eyes tightly, not a good idea, babe. Taking a deep breath, she manages to steady her voice. “Romano, it isn’t going to work. Just let me kill her.”

I struggle to not snort aloud at that thought. There’s no way this bitch could lay a finger on me, let alone actually kill me. Romano must agree because she starts swearing up a storm. “She’s just some stupid, trashy fucking stripper with an attitude problem and a stretched out cunt. What the fuck could she do to me?”

It would be funny if she weren’t reporting shit back to the man that’s been making every aspect of our lives hell currently. I reign in my own temper as I watch her go nuclear, staring at her phone in disbelief. He must have hung up on her.

I pull out my phone and send a quick text, keeping my eyes on her.

I smile maliciously as soon as I get the response.

Poor, poor Taylor. She’s about to find out exactly what I can do to her.

“Where am I?”She struggles to lift her head and

“I think you hit her too hard,” Kade says from behind me. I shrug and tilt my head as we both watch her trying to clear the fog from her brain.

She pulls against the chains that bind both her arms to the wall behind her. I can see the moment the adrenaline rushes through her body as she finally figures out the situation she’s in. Her head jerks up, her eyes wild with fear and anger.

“What is this?” Her voice shakes with her fear, none of her earlier bravado to be seen.

“Well,” I drawl slowly, “you see, I heard your little conversation with our mutual friend.” The anger burning in her eyes is overshadowed by her ever-growing fear. Good. She should be fucking terrified.

I use my dagger to trace a line starting at her knee and traveling up her thigh. “You didn’t think I could do anything to you, right?” I dig the tip of the knife in, drawing my first blood from her. I almost groan at the satisfaction that ripples through me at the sight of her pain.

I don’t know exactly when I started getting off on other people’s pain, but I can’t deny it. It’s half the reason Kade is my favorite person to to kill and torture people with. He’s always ready to give me my next high once we’re done.

I remove the knife and bring it up to her face, pressing the flat part of the blade against her cheek. It doesn’t cut her, but smears blood over her flushed skin. She breathes heavily as she stares at me with her wide eyes.

“The only question now is if you have anything useful for me?”

Kade snickers behind me. “Do you really think she knows anything?”

I pretend to ponder the thought as I move into her space, our chests almost touching as I run my eyes up and down her body. “Probably not. You don’t share plans with disposable sluts.”

She jerks at my words and I tilt the knife so her movement makes her cheek dig into the sharp edge of the blade. She snaps her head back, venom in her eyes as she hisses, “Romano loves me.”

I step away from her, slowly dragging the knife down her chest, digging the tip into her skin as I go. Just hard enough to break the skin and make it sting.

“Kade, do you love me?” I ask, without even looking at him.

“Of course I do,” he whispers right into my ear as he presses his body against my back. I can already feel the way he’s hardening in his pants. A shiver runs through me and I press back into him as he moves my hair to the side and places gentle kisses down my neck and shoulder.

He chuckles darkly and grips my hips in his hands. I almost let myself get lost in his touch and forget about the stupid bitch in front of us. But we do need to know what she’s told Romano. I can’t imagine it being very much, but we have to know just in case.

It’s worrisome that he had someone planted at Steel Roses. It isn’t exactly a secret that it’s our main business we hang out in, but it’s not exactly associated with our criminal empire. Except for laundering, we don’t use Steel Roses for anything else business related.

The fights have always been our main source when it comes to that aspect of our lives. We run everything out of those events. Hardly any of our VIPs are even aware of our ties to the criminal underground.

Sure, we get some. We have associates that come to watch me dance or just have a drink at Steel Roses, but Thorns is the much more preferred club for our kind. The club Rachel runs caters to the dark and depraved a lot more than Steel Roses does.

Kade squeezes my hips and draws me out of my thoughts. I give my attention back to the whimpering blonde.

“Would you ever order me to try and fuck an enemy for your own gain?”

Kade shakes his head, even as his lips press against my skin. He removes them for just a moment before replacing them with his teeth, drawing a gasp from me at the small flash of pain. A shot of lust shoots through me, lighting me up from the inside out.
