Page 89 of Beautiful Chaos

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“It’s too bad you won’t ever be able to utilize this lesson,” Kade taunts. For all their fear and anger, neither one of them struggles to find their control as they methodically torture Andre. Taking turns without ever having to speak a word of their plan to each other. When one steps back, the other is already there to take his place, inflicting the next precise wound. Each one more painful than the last, all without a single question being asked.

They want to break him, make him desperate for relief, for just a small break in the neverending pain. So when they offer him the chance, he’ll take it. The more he talks, the longer his break will be. What better way to get him to spill all of the secrets he’s collected over the last eight years?

My mouth parts open as I watch them, entranced by the show they’re putting on. I fidget, wanting to be a part of it, wanting to be next to them, claiming my own pound of flesh. My mind is still not my own, not completely. I can’t trust that I wouldn’t just kill him too soon like I did with Romano.

A new feeling begins to stir, overpowering the conflicting emotions. I shift between Noah and Declan, needing their warmth and strength like I need oxygen to breathe. Ryder whispers something in Charles’ ear and is met with first confusion and then exasperation before Charles turns to leave the room, winking at me as he leaves.

I don’t have time to work out what just happened before I’m distracted by the heat radiating from behind me and Ryder whispers in my ear, “You have a wild look in your eyes, Scar.”

I nod, knowing that I can’t deny it. They know me far too well to not see the storm brewing in my eyes, to feel the chaos I can’t control seeping out of me.

“It reminds me of something,” he continues. I feel more than see Declan and Noah looking at him, but neither stops him.

I lick my lips, trying to add moisture to the sudden dryness of my mouth. “What?”

His chest rumbles as he wraps his arms around my waist from behind, not pushing Declan or Noah away, just adding himself to the mix. “When I was having my adrenaline crash. That’s what you remind me of right now. Lost in the havoc of your own mind, dazed by the intensity of tumultuous feelings.” His fingers stroke over the clingy fabric of my dress on my stomach and my breath gets caught in my throat. “Do you remember how you brought me back?” I nod slowly, unable to form words as the heat in my belly grows into a raging inferno of need. “He can see you here. I don’t care if he will be dead before I’m done with you, he doesn’t get to see your desire. That is ours and ours alone.” His voice is a low growl in my ear, words meant for me and me alone.

The three of them move me effortlessly across the room until we stand behind Andre where he can no longer see me, but Luca and Kade have a clear view. The expressions on their faces as they enact our form of justice sends a shiver down my spine. There is no scarier monster than man, and my men are the fiercest of them all. Of course, it’s not fear that sends tingles through my body.

Ryder’s hand slips under the slit of my dress and begins to caress my thigh, teasing me with his touch. Kade smirks as he watches me closely, his eyes blazing with desire. The room pulses with lust and violence, a heady mix that drives every thought out of my head. Noah’s lips press against my throat, my pulse beats rapidly under his touch.

“Look at the way they get justice for you,” he whispers in my ear. As if in response, Luca drags his blade across Andre’s chest in a vicious slash. He grunts under the pain, but Kade shuts him up with a fist to the face.

I begin to pant as Ryder trails closer and closer to where I really want him, his fingers brushing against the edge of my panties. Declan grips my cheeks in his hands and forces me to look at him. “He doesn’t get to see you, and he doesn’t get to hear you either.”

Ryder hums in agreement. “One sound and we stop, Scar,” he whispers. “Don’t make us stop.” His fingers slip under my underwear and are quick to find my clit, brushing over it in barely there pressure. A needy moan builds in my throat, but I force myself to swallow it down. My teeth sink into my lip as I force myself to be quiet.

One of the guys unzips my dress just enough to slip the straps off my shoulders and expose my breasts. Declan moves in front of me, taking my tits in his hands and roughly rolling my nipples. Ryder increases the pressure of his fingers, swirling through the mess between my thighs without giving me any real relief. Just enough to make me desperate for more.

“You’re gonna be such a good girl for us, aren’t you, baby girl?”

I nod frantically. Noah grins as he pulls my lower lip out from my teeth. “Of course you are,” he says just before he lowers his lips to mine and steals the breath from my lungs. I couldn't make a sound even if I wanted to. My head spins as I kiss him back, letting all three of them move my body in every which way they desire to. I give up control completely, trusting them to know what I need far more than I could in this moment. All the while, watching Kade and Luca continue their torture.

Noah pulls away from me, replacing his lips with his hand to keep me silent. Declan drops to his knees and lifts my dress until it’s bunched around my waist. Ryder’s fingers slip inside my entrance and begin thrusting in and out of me, scissoring as he goes. It takes all of my concentration to not make a single sound and I almost fail when Declan’s tongue is added to the mix, set on torturing me. He traces tight circles around my clit until my legs are shaking.

Luca’s eyes lock on mine and his eyes heat with equal parts anger and desire. His attacks on Andre became more frequent and brutal with every nic of the blade against him. He looks like a monster come to life, a dark force you have no choice but to succumb to. Nothing in the world could force me to look away from the blood he draws from Andre in the name of getting me answers.

Kade is another type of beast altogether. Larger than life, with fists that should be considered lethal weapons on their own. He’s never needed a weapon to be deadly.

The two of them work together seamlessly, anticipating the other’s moves and needs. Reading their body language and knowing from years of history when to let the other take the lead. It’s a beautiful and magical thing to watch, their partnership. It reminds me of how their friendship has survived for so long, endured the turmoil that I caused between them.

Kade breaks his ribs one by one with deadly accurate punches before moving on to his fingers. Luca carves him up in between the beatings. Clean slices across his chest and face, long gashes over his arms, and huge chunks of flesh ripped from his thighs.

Blood spills freely over the floor under the chair and Andre is no longer hiding his desperation. I can hear the tears in his voice as he begs for them to just tell them what they want from him. I smile behind Noah’s hands. Of course their plan is working flawlessly.

“Let’s have a race,” Noah whispers in my ear. “Who will get what they want first? Your answers or your come?”

My legs shake so hard, the only thing that saves me from falling is Noah’s tight grip on me. He lifts me up and spreads my legs wide open. Giving Declan easier access and Kade and Luca a clear view of everything they’re doing to me.

“Don’t forget to stay quiet,” Declan taunts before diving back and pulling my clit between his lips and sucking hard. Ryder’s fingers slip free from me and he disappears from where he was pressed against me. There’s no chance to miss him before hands find my ass and begin to massage the cheeks, a finger teasing the rim of my hole as it passes. I shudder in their arms and the only thing that’s keeping me quiet is the threat of them stopping this just as we’re getting started. Pleasure wracks through my body in a way that makes it hard to keep my train of thought on anything but how good they feel. Still, I can’t tear my eyes away from the scene in front of me.

Luca and Kade begin to ask their questions. Our questions. Andre is as desperate for relief as I am for totally opposing reasons. As I stay quiet for mine, answers begin to spill from his lips as easily as the blood that pours from his body. Kade wears a sadistic and satisfied smile as he presses down on one of the ribs he’s already broken.

It must be the broken and brutalized part of my soul that loves this smile of his. The way I know he’s wearing it just for me. It’s blinding in its beauty yet born from the darkest parts of his soul. The part that matches mine. The part that craves violence and blood.

His smile widens as Andre squeals like a bitch and I can’t help but match Kade’s expression. As if he can feel the appreciation in my grin, his green eyes flick up to meet mine. A heady weight there as he dances his fingers over the bones he’s already broken and watches as Declan devours my cunt.

It’s a song and dance we’ve never played before, but feels like we’ve been here a million times before. Our whole souls bared to each other in a place where almost no one else would understand.
