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His mate.

Then just go to her. She basically threw herself at you, and what did you do? You rejected her. You think she’s going to want you now?

He ignored his wolf and called Ian into his office. The kid would be a good assistant one day, but he was no Padma. He talked too much, but he was swift and good at following orders.

“What do you need?” Ian asked, coming into the room with his tablet open and ready for notes.

“I want everything you can give me on Greg Stevens. I want to know what he had for breakfast this morning and when he takes a shit. Everything.”

“You got it, boss.”

“I want to know what charges he’s eluded and all of his known associates in the human worldandthe shifter world.”


“Have we gotten any news from the divorce lawyer?”

“Greg hired Pierre Bosworth. We already got a letter stating that Amelia vanished without any reason. He is suing for damages to his mental health.”

“The fuck?” Wilder snapped.

“Apparently, waking up to find his wife gone made him very unhappy.Distraughtis the word Bosworth used.”

“Well, given that the marriage was never consummated…”

Ian laughed. “You think this is the sixteenth century?”

“No, but I should’ve filed the papers stating that the inability to be intimate was a reason for the dissolution of the marriage.”

Ian continued to laugh. “You come up with the most hilarious things, boss.”


“He wants to know where she is. He wants her to come home.”

“I bet he does. It’s not like he can threaten her in a letter he sent through his lawyers, but I can read between the lines.”

“Can’t we all? Where is she? Is she safe?”

“She’s at my place with Padma.”

Ian chortled. “Your place? How did she get so lucky to get there? You sweet on her or something?”

“It was the first thing I could think of when I found her on our doorstep. It means nothing.”

“Sure, sure.”

“It doesn’t mean anything,” he repeated.

“Keep telling yourself that.”

“She’s an important client.”

“Who won’t pay us for a long time…”

“Does it matter? A client is a client.”
