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He smiled, but he was sure it didn’t reach his eyes. “I’m fine.”

There was no way he could tell Amelia she was his mate. He refused to be another man in her life that took, took, took without ever taking her needs into consideration. If she wanted to be with him, let it be a choice. Her choice. Not something that was dictated by his shifter nature.

“I’m fine,” he said, this time with more conviction than he felt. “We should get out of bed,” he added, kissing her shoulder.

“I know. That’s what I’ve been saying, but if you keep on kissing me like that, we’re not going to get very far.”

“Well, then, rush away, love. I want to show you something.”

“Oh?” she pulled away from him, half curious and half terrified.

“It’s a good surprise.”

She frowned. “You do know I—”

“You don’t like surprises,” he finished for her. “Yes. I know. You told me as much. But this time, I promise you’ll love it.” He kissed her softly before whispering in her ear, “Trust me.”

She shivered in his arms, surrendering to his surprise. “Fine,” she sighed with a hint of a smile. “Where are you taking me?”

“If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise. Get ready.”

“I can’t!” she argued. “What the heck am I supposed to wear for this surprise of yours?”

“I don’t care what you wear. You’re beautiful naked, in jeans, in a dress.”

She rolled her eyes, amused and flattered by this compliment. His chest tightened with emotion. It was so easy to spend time with Amelia. Even nude and after a vigorous night of lovemaking. Usually, these were awkward moments.

Not with Amelia.

Everything was so natural with her. Like it was the simplest thing in the world. No wonder shifters longed to find their mates. It was the most powerful feeling Wilder ever had, and he never wanted it to end.

Maybe if he gave Amelia a reason to stay, she would.

This was why, a few hours later, he drove them back to the airfield. The jet and its staff were already there waiting for them. Amelia gasped when she noticed the plane.

“Are you seriously flying us out? Again? That can’t be good for the environment.”

“My family owns enough land to plant all the trees we want,” he said. “Will you feel better if I order a thousand new trees to be planted for our date?”

Her mouth turned up with a smile. “A date? A thousand trees for one date?” She tried to purse her lips in shock, but her good humor shined right through. “That’s one expensive date.”

Wilder chuckled. “You know what family I come from. This is a drop in the bucket.”

“What a bucket to have.” She giggled.

“Just enjoy yourself, Amelia. You deserve it,” he added as he took her hand in his and led her up the jet’s stairs.

The staff was the same as on their Paris excursion, and it was clear by the knowing smiles on their faces that they knew exactly what was happening.

“Are you going to tell me where we’re goingnow?” Amelia asked once the plane door had been closed.

He shook his head. “Nope.”

She crossed her arms and looked out the window as the pilot taxied them toward the runway. “At least tell me how far we’re going. How long is the flight?”

“Under an hour.”

“And how long will we be gone?”
