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“Tell me about it,” Ryland grumbled.

“Seriously,” Canaan shook his head. “Why does it feel like our mates came to us just when their lives were falling apart?”

“Probably because we own a protection agency,” Dad cut in. “How else would fate put them in your way? You’re all wolves. Your protective instincts are the best in the animal world,” he boasted. “It’s only natural that you get to save your mate and really solidify the bond. Nothing like knowing you can protect the people you love. No matter what.”

Wilder nodded. “That’s true.”

“And if things go badly for her,” Ryland said. “You know we will be there for Amelia. She’s part of the family now.”

“Even if you haven’t mated her,” Canaan added. “What are you waiting for?”

“For her marriage to be officially ended and her ex to be out of her life forever.”

Canaan frowned and clapped his brother on the back. “I wouldn’t wait if I were you. You never know what can happen.”

Wilder’s jaw clenched. His brother had named the one fear Wilder couldn’t shake. “I don’t want her to rush into anything. There’s time.”

“Rush into anything? You fucking kidding?” Ryland laughed. “You’ve been waiting for her forfiveyears.”

“Nice keeping us in the dark,” Canaan commented. “Sure would’ve been helpful to know why you were such a jackass all those years.”

“You’re not grumpy. You were just missing your mate.” Ryland was still laughing. “Although to be completely honest, you were grumpybeforethat.”

“It just didn’t help,” Canaan finished.

“Anyway,” Wilder changed the subject. “I’m thinking of running BMA from here for a little while. Amelia hasn’t been back to the States since she was a teenager. I think it’ll be good for her to be around her mom’s old town. Feel connected to her again.”

Ryland smiled. “It’s wild. You never wanted to come back to NYC, but one week with your mate, and you’re back. We better tell Axton his job is in jeopardy.”

“Don’t you dare,” Wilder said. “You know our cousin does a good job, and the Lupine pack deserves the prestige. It’s only for a little while, anyway. Amelia wants to work in a library, and I managed to get her a few interviews in London next month.”

“Branching out,” Dad laughed. “BMA has pull in libraries now.”

“You do what you can for your mate to be happy,” Wilder said.

“I raised you right, dear boy. I raised you right.”

Wilder nodded, his chest tight with his father’s praise. “I hope to do just as good a job one day.”

“Let’s go grill these steaks before you make me cry,” his father said.

The Wolverton wolves gathered on the back veranda, a family more united than ever before, ready to defend even their newest members.



Amelia held the tiny baby in the crook of her arm. The little boy weighed almost nothing, but he’d already stolen her heart. With his little eyes closed, he looked like an angel. He was deceptively calm. The newborn could scream down the roof if he was hungry.

“It suits you,” a soothing male voice whispered in her ear.

“Are you trying to tell me you want a kid of your own?” she teased Wilder.

He sat on the chair in front of her, grinning. “Maybe. One day. If you want.”

She smiled at him. “This little guy is gonna need some cousins to play with.”

“Then we better get started if we want ’em to be close in age.”
