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As wild as that story was, Ryland had a similar tale. He had met his Caroline while investigating a true crime story for his mate’s podcast.

Even Rylee and Kyle were incredible. He was a Hollywood heartthrob, and she was a lawyer. No one in the world knew they were married, and it worked for them.

Each couple was very different, but all together, as a family unit, they made sense.

Amelia had longed for this. And here she had found it. With Wilder Wolverton. With his pack.

Wilder was busier than he liked, though. He had to leave her with his family sooner than he would’ve liked. The news that he was in town spread quickly, and soon, a meeting was called at the BMA offices. Wilder and his brothers couldn’t agree on the wisdom of leaving her alone with the Wolverton matriarch and the new mother, Rylee.

Canaan and Ryland held firm that the house was completely safe. Wilder had doubts, which irked his brothers. Those Wolverton boys loved each other and had each other’s backs, but they obviously had their own little familiar squabble.

“Don’t be a Canaan about it,” Ryland laughed.

“Hey, watch it,” Canaan replied. “Did you just use my name as anadjective?”

“Sure did.” Ryland’s grin dared his brother to push further. “Wanna guess why?”

“You call me a recluse. That’s not the same as this little tantrum Wilder is having.”

“This, Amelia, is one of the reasons I was nervous for you to meet my family,” Wilder whispered to her.

“I think it’s awesome,” she said. “And admit it. You all love to poke each other.”

“It’s a shifter thing.” He shrugged.

“It’s a Wolverton thing.” She poked him in the chest. “Now, will you listen to your brothers and go to the meeting?”

“Are you sure it’s safe?” Wilder asked for the millionth time that morning.

Valerie rolled her eyes. “You’re such a drama queen, Wilder. Your brothers have no problem leaving their mates here with me. Rylee is here too.”

“Yeah, with her newborn,” he commented. “I don’t like to leave Amelia alone. Not right now. Greg hasn’t been arrested yet. He could be anywhere.”

Amelia clicked her tongue. “He’s probably in France, looking for me. Wedidput in that false lead for him to follow.”


“Still, I am in a manor with two wolves. Nothing can happen to me.”

“Famous last words,” he grumbled.

“Would you stop? I’m the fragile human. If I am not scared, neither should you.”

Wilder smiled at her. “Fine, love. You’re right.”

“Get used to saying that,” she teased. “You’ll find that I’m right most of the time.”

He chuckled, and his mother joined in as she said, “Oh, I really do like you, Amelia. You’re exactly what my son needs.”

“He’s who I need too,” she admitted.

Valerie smiled warmly. “What every mother wants to hear.” She turned toward her son. “I’ll keep her safe for you, son. Now, go and run the family business.”

Amelia kissed him softly. “I’ll be waiting for you in the library,” she promised.


