Page 125 of State of Denial

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“Are you sure?”

“I’m positive, Sam. We asked her to be here with us for this very reason. So she could cover for us with the kids when needed.”

They got ready for bed and met in the middle of their king-sized bed, as they did every night.

“I can’t wait for Bora Bora,” Sam said. “I’m counting the days.”

“About that…”


When she would’ve pulled back from him, he held her closer. “Terry and Derek think it’s a bad time for me to be away with what just happened with the Joint Chiefs.”

“Nooooooooooo.” She wanted to cry, but knew he was equally disappointed and didn’t want to make it worse for him.

“I’m so sorry, babe. I argued with them, reminded them that presidents are allowed to have vacations, that we go every year.” His deep sigh said it all. “They didn’t come right out and say it, but I think they fear what might happen if I’m away.”

“So no trip to Europe either?”

“Not now.”

“I hate everything and everyone, except you and the people we love.”

“I hate everything, too. Believe me.”

“I’m sorrier for you than I am for myself. You must be going mad trapped here every day.”

“A little bit.”

“If we can’t have Bora Bora, we need a date night soon,” Sam said. “I see you every day, and yet I miss you, as strange as that sounds.”

“I miss you, too, and I know just what you mean. I’ll plan something for us soon.”

“Not if the kids are still sick.”

“I’m sure they’ll be fine in a few days.”

“I hope so.”

“Are you going to hate me someday for messing up our perfectly lovely lives with this job from hell?” he asked.

“I’ll never hate you. I hate the Joint Chiefs and your mother and everyone else who says mean things about you. I’d personally stab every one of them with my rusty steak knife if I could.”

His low chuckle made her smile. “My fierce first lady is the sexiest woman in the universe.”


“Yes, she is, and I love her madly.”

“You’re going to have to do a lot of making up to me over this.” She pressed against him suggestively. “I’ve been dreaming about naked days and umbrella drinks.”

“I’m happy to make it up to you as many times as needed until you forgive me.”

“That’s apt to takea lotof effort on your part.”

Nick pressed his hard cock against her. “I’m more thanupfor the job.”

“I can tell. Are you just going to talk about it, or can I expect some action?”
