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Just thinking about his raspy voice as Dallas had stared down at me made my panties feel as though they were about to spontaneously combust. And the knowing look in his hazel eyes as he stared up at me from the yard made it clear that he had a very good idea what I was thinking.

I gulped when he turned his head to call my sister over, then stepped away as she moved behind the swing to push Oliver. It didn’t take long for him to jog across the yard, enter the house, and join me upstairs. Just like the first day we’d seen our new home, he wrapped his arms around me from behind and pulled me against his chest.

His breath was hot in my ear as he murmured, “You keep looking at me like you’re ready to tear my clothes off, and I’m going to be tempted to take a step I’m not ready for and ask your sister and Thad to take the kids out for an ice cream or some shit like that.”

It had taken a long time for my brother-in-law to earn the right to be around our family. Dallas had just started including him in invitations to the house a couple of months ago. And only when he was going to be there as well.

“Like that’ll ever happen,” I snorted.

Brenna hadn’t even taken our boys out on her own in the seven years since Kobe was born. I couldn't imagine Dallas ever letting Thad bring them somewhere, no matter how much he’d changed his ways since he’d been “mugged” before Thacker was born. Thad had grown up a lot over the years and turned out to be a good father and husband. Dallas would never forget the crap he’d pulled when I was living with them or how desperate I’d been to move out.

“If my cock had its way, they’d already be loaded into the car,” he growled, grinding his hard length against my back.

Turning in his hold, I smiled up at him. “You’ve never once let your dick do the thinking on anything related to my or the kids’ safety, no matter how turned on you were.”

“True,” he conceded with a rueful grin. “But you’re testing my resolve, beautiful. You’re too damn hot when you’re pregnant, all lush and gorgeous, and you know I love how horny you get during the second trimester.”

Our baby girl kicked, just like she usually did when she heard her daddy’s voice. He dropped to his knees and pressed a kiss to my belly. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’m going to be just as protective of you as I am of your big brothers.”

“It’s more likely that she’s complaining about the opposite.” I ran my fingers through his thick blond hair. “I’ve seen your club brothers with their kids enough to know that you’re going to be ridiculously overprotective since she’s a girl and the baby of the family.”

“Can’t deny that’s true, beautiful.” His lips curved into a sexy smirk. “Our baby girl is gonna be a Silver Saints princess, with all the protection that entails. Along with two big brothers and a cousin to look out for her when one of us isn’t around.”

I loved that he included Thacker in the group of boys who’d watch over our daughter. Tugging on his cut, I urged him to his feet so I could wrap my arms around his neck and press my lips against his. Taking the hint, his tongue slid inside my mouth to tangle with mine. When he finally lifted his head, I was breathless as I whispered, “We might not be able to send them off with my sister and Thad for ice cream, but we can still put the boys to bed early tonight.”

“Damn straight we can, beautiful.”

And we did.


Garrison “Bear” Shaw was only supposed to warn Alyssa Bartley to stay out of Silver Saints’ business. Falling for her complicated everything. She was too young for him…and the sheriff’s daughter.

The grumpy biker had no business touching the innocent high school senior, but that didn’t stop Bear from making Alyssa his. Now danger lurks around the corner, and he’ll do anything to protect her and the future they are building.



Finding somewhere to be alone on a high school campus during my lunch hour was a lot more difficult than it should’ve been. I’d purposely picked my spot in a cubby all the way in the far corner of the library because I wasn’t feeling social today. Slouching deeper into my seat, I pressed my lips together to keep my sigh of frustration from slipping out. The last thing I wanted was for the two boys who’d wandered in my direction to notice me. Chuck and Mike were not my biggest fans.

“Dude, Leon’s brother has access to shit that will blow your mind.”

Assuming they were talking about drugs and not wanting them to think I was eavesdropping if they spotted me over here, I popped my earbuds in—but using the hear-through mode because my dad had drilled into my head how important it was to be aware of your surroundings. Noise-canceling headphones in public were a big no-no in his book. With these two near, breaking his rule would be a bad call.

Toward the end of our sophomore year, they’d been caught on campus with drugs and blamed me for their trouble since my locker was next to Chuck’s. Being the sheriff’s daughter tended to make me the enemy of criminals by default. So he’d assumed I’d gone running to my dad after seeing him slip the drugs in there even though I hadn’t paid any attention to him and his friends. Getting caught had been a stroke of bad luck for him during a random locker inspection.

He hadn’t hidden how much he hated me ever since he was allowed back in school. I figured the only reason he hadn’t acted on the anger I saw in his eyes every time he looked at me was because he knew my dad would toss him in jail and throw away the key. But the threat of legal trouble only offered me so much protection, so I’d done my best to stay away from Chuck and his friends over the past two years.

“You think we’ll ever get a taste of the merchandise before it gets shipped off?”

I barely refrained from rolling my eyes over the fact that they weren’t even trying a little bit to hide what they were talking about. If they’d been this clueless back when those drugs had been found in Chuck’s locker, he shouldn’t have spent all this time blaming me for something he and his buddy had probably caused all by themselves. The principal probably knew to target his locker during the inspection. As they kept talking about how awesome it would be to get their hands on Leon’s brother’s supply, the only thing that surprised me was that they’d managed to keep themselves out of trouble other than that one time.

Except then they shocked the heck out of me when Mike said, “You know some of them still have their cherries when they’re sold off.”

Cherries? Sold? Holy crap!

I’d gotten it all wrong. They were talking about human trafficking. The merchandise Leon’s brother had was girls, not drugs.
