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“That was super weird.” I stared up at Kurt with wide eyes, trying to wrap my brain around what had just happened. “I barely know the guy. Why was he so determined to be the one to take care of me?”

“Excellent question,” he murmured, pulling me into his arms for a quick hug before brushing a kiss against the top of my head. “But not one we’re going to worry about right now.”

I darted a glance at the wall I shared with Vincent. “I feel weird knowing he’s so close while I’m not feeling one-hundred-percent.”

“Now, thatissomething we don’t need to wait another day to fix.” Interlacing our fingers, he tugged me toward my bedroom. “Pack whatever we need. We’ll stay at my place instead.”

Under normal circumstances, there was no way I would have agreed to his suggestion. But Kurt had proven the nurse from yesterday right—he was one of the good guys. He’d put my well-being ahead of his sexual needs when things had gotten hot and heavy between us last night. I was safe with him. Besides, how could I turn down the chance to see where he lived and learn more about him? So I did what he asked and tossed a bunch of stuff into a suitcase. Way more than I needed for the next couple of days, but he didn’t seem to mind that I packed enough to last me until classes started next week.

We were quiet during the ride across town, but the silence was oddly comfortable. I liked that neither of us felt the need to fill it with pointless chatter and could just be together without saying anything.

The building he pulled into was impressive, with a keypad to get into the garage and a passcode to use the elevator. Once the door to his condo shut behind us, Kurt looked almost as relaxed as he’d been when I’d watched him sleeping. Seeing the tension leave his body made me happy that I’d agreed to come to his place even though we barely knew each other. And my dad would appreciate the extra security…when I finally got around to telling him what happened. I’d need to send him a text soon so he didn’t worry, but I wasn’t ready to let him know about the mugging and my concussion. Maybe it was selfish of me, but I wanted this time with Kurt before he came charging into town to make sure I was okay.

“Great place,” I murmured as I scanned the living area. His condo had an open floor plan, so I was able to take in the brown leather couch and chair, dark oak tables, and eighty-inch flat-screen television in the living room, along with the granite countertops and stainless-steel appliances in the kitchen. The apartment my dad had gotten me was nice, but Kurt’s home was in a different league.

“I would’ve gone with a house for the extra privacy, but between my responsibilities at the hospital and with the Silver Saints, the last thing I wanted to worry about was yard work and shit.” He rolled my suitcase with one hand while keeping the other on my lower back as he led me past the kitchen and toward the bedrooms. “One of my club brothers did some soundproofing so I don’t have to worry about my neighbors hearing something they shouldn’t.”

“Nice.” Thinking about how thin the walls were at my apartment made me want to cringe, especially since I shared one with Vincent. It had never bothered me before, but now I couldn’t help but wonder what he’d heard from my place.

“I’ve been here for three years and never needed to put that shit to the test.” He lifted my suitcase and set it on top of the king-sized bed in the master bedroom, winking at me over his shoulder. “But that’s gonna change soon.”

Holy heck, I couldn’t wait for him to give me the all clear so he could follow through with the sensual promise in his dark eyes.



Willa sighed in her sleep and snuggled closer to my body. I loved how she felt in my arms, how different we were. She was soft where I was hard, petite where I was big, light while I was dark. Yet she fit perfectly against me and perfectly in my life.

After bringing her to my home, I fed her, then made her rest some more before drawing her a bath. Leaving her there, naked and wet, with suds gliding down her silky skin…fuck. My balls hurt just thinking about it, and my cock was hard as steel—pretty much the state I was always in around her. The pout on her face when she realized I wouldn’t get in with her almost did me in. But the doctor in me wouldn’t do anything that might hinder her recovery. So, I sucked it up and left the bathroom, though I stayed in the bedroom to make sure I was near if she needed me.

I’d managed to find someone to cover my next two shifts at the hospital and took some of the vacation I’d stored up over the years. It allowed me to relax and take care of my woman for the past couple of days. The only time I’d been forced to leave was when Mac called and told me one of my brothers had been shot and needed my help. With gunshot wounds, we avoided the emergency room whenever we could. The hospital was required to report gun injuries, and we didn’t want the questions or scrutiny that we’d face from that.

Knight’s gunshot had been a through and through in his shoulder and missed anything vital, so I stitched him up and sent him on his way. I was gone less than two hours, and by the time I arrived home, I was desperate to see Willa and make sure she was okay.

She’d improved quickly, but I’d still been cautious. She was the most important, precious thing in my life, so no fucking way would I do anything to risk her health or safety. Luckily, she understood that, but the disappointed look on her face when we went to bed without so much as a kiss—I was only so strong, and we were in a bed for fuck’s sake—beat at my determination like a battering ram.

However, blue balls or not, I’d never enjoyed my life more than spending uninterrupted time getting to know my woman. The moment I met her, I already knew she was perfect for me, but every day, I realized what a lucky son of a bitch I was that she seemed to be just as attached to me as I was to her.

I doubted she had the same level of obsession, though. Jealousy had never been something I’d wrestled with in the past, but I’d found myself envious of just about anything that touched her besides me. It wasn’t rational, and my colleagues would probably label me as psychotic…but I couldn't bring myself to care. Willa’s opinion was the only one that mattered, and she hadn't complained once. In fact, she seemed to encourage my hovering and possessiveness, and even did little things to rile me up. Eventually, I’d give her all the spankings she’d earned by being a naughty little minx, but I had no doubt she’d be begging for more of them by the time I was done.

Yesterday had been three days since her mugging, and she hadn’t complained about a headache for over twenty-four hours. I’d given her a thorough examination and was confident she was strong enough for some physical exertion. Still, I’d given her one more night. She needed the rest because I intended to wear her the fuck out.

As I lay in bed the night before, I’d made a grand plan of bringing her breakfast—that I ordered from the diner down the street—in bed, then taking a soak together in the tub before making slow, sweet love to her.

I should have known better because when Willa tossed her leg over mine and I felt the heat from her pussy pressed against my thigh, all my good intentions went up in flames. She was wearing those thin, tiny little shorts again, and I’d gone to bed in nothing but my boxer briefs, so that left very little fabric between us. Cupping her hips, I shifted her body to lie on top of me with her legs spread and her sex nestled over my big, fat cock. It would have been so easy to slide aside her shorts and panties, untuck my dick, and bury myself inside her, but I needed to be gentle because I’d confirmed with her that she was a virgin and didn’t want to hurt her any more than necessary.

But it couldn’t be helped completely, and come hell or high water, I would be claiming Willa today. I’d pop her cherry, make her mine, and leave my kid in her belly.

My hips bucked involuntarily from the images of what I was going to do to her, mixed with the heat from her pussy bathing my cock. Willa moaned and ground herself down on me, dragging a deep, ragged groan from my chest.

Then she mumbled something and rubbed her tits against my chest, sending a shiver down her spine.Fuck it.

I grabbed the hem of her T-shirt and whipped it up over her head, leaving her fully awake and staring at me in shock. “I can’t fucking wait another minute to have you,” I growled. Then I tangled my fingers in her hair and brought her mouth down to mine.

Every once in a while, I’d allowed myself small kisses, but now that I’d given myself permission to do everything I’d been fantasizing about, the dam broke open. I devoured her mouth like she was my favorite meal after years of fasting…which wasn’t all that far off.

Willa’s lower body tentatively moved, and I dropped my hand to her ass, pressing her down harder on my erection. Then I tore my mouth away and put my lips to her ear, thrusting up and nearly losing it when she shivered and moaned. “I don’t want to hurt you when I take your cherry, sweetheart, so I’m gonna need you to come a few times before I fill you with my cock.”
