Page 28 of Deceived

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He ruins that too. “Of course when they see how much I dislike you, it might ease their jealousy.”

I shake my head, looking away from him and back to my reflection in the mirror.

Aksel opens the curtain, gesturing the worker inside.

“We will need this altered by tomorrow. Take your measurements and I will call with the height of her heels.”

The woman glares at me when he turns away, but I ignore her completely while she measures me. I think it fits me perfectly except the hem but she still does my hips and chest.

“Keep them on file in case I need to order something in the future,” he says offhandedly before walking away.

He thinks he might need to buy me something in the future? Is he finally accepting I’m going to be sticking around? It’s a breakthrough.

He’s been more pleasant today than usual. I wonder if something happened to brighten his mood? If so, I need to know what so I can replicate it every day. This Aksel isn’t terrible.

I can tell the woman is dying to say something, but she maintains her silence. I don’t break it. Once she’s done, she leaves me to change back.

Her laughter rings out from the main area, but I don’t hear Aksel’s response.

I hang the dress up, carrying it out with me once I’m dressed.

I train my enhanced hearing on them.

“Are you sure you don’t need anything for yourself? Maybe for a fancy date?” She flutters her eyelashes. Could she be any more obvious?

“I’m sure.”

At least he’s an asshole to other women too. Maybe he just despises women in general, although his attacks on me do usually feel personal.

I walk up, hanging the dress on the designated pole next to the register.

“We’re all set,” Aksel says, guiding me out of the store without glancing back at the woman.

“Are you sure about buying this dress for me?” I ask.

He’s always acted like it was a given, but my pride is taking a hit having to let him. And I do have to let him. Without my shifts at the bar, I am beyond broke. I’m probably going to have to give up my apartment since I have no rent money. It’s worth it for revenge on Killian though. Everything is worth that.

“Certain. Don’t think about it, I buy the guys their tuxes too. They only have to go because of who my dad is, that makes me feel responsible,” he says honestly. “Although, you’re going because you’re mated to Felix so that’s not directly my fault.”

I nudge his arm. “Indirectly though, it is.”

I decide not to dwell on it. Aksel has money, so what? If he doesn’t care about spending it, then I shouldn’t be weird about this.

We walk down the pristine sidewalk to another store. This one isn’t exclusive to gowns but has everyday clothes and shoes as well. I can tell from here it’s not within my price range.

“What are we doing here?” I ask.

“We need to get you heels to match. You wouldn’t go without them would you?”

Did he notice my love of heels? I wonder if he misses anything with that analytical brain of his. I’m starting to think he doesn’t.

He holds the door open for me. This clerk is much nicer. Immediately, she greets me then Aksel with a bright, genuine smile.

I look around while we make our way back to the shoe section. The clothes feel delicate, soft, and expensive as I stick my hand out to brush them. I eye a gorgeous black skirt with a slit up the side. It would pair perfectly with my plum, deep-v shirt.

“Are you coming?” Aksel asks.

I break my stare and follow him to the back. The clerk pulls multiple options once Aksel explains what we are looking for. Shoes are certainly more my style so I give my input.

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