Page 46 of Deceived

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As soon as Griffyn stiffens, it’s clear Anna can’t take it a second longer. I know he warned her it would be like this, but I can see she’s not letting it go on. This will be the one and only time someone makes the mistake of coming over here.

“He’s spoken for,” Anna says, stepping between the two of them.

I move up to her other side in support, ready to step in and have their backs if necessary.

“Is he now?” She raises her right eyebrow. Her expression screams elite and snotty.

“Yes, he’s mine. Go spread the word and tell them I’ll beat anyone’s ass who keeps ogling him.”

The bitch’s laugh is forced. “You know incubus are only good for one thing. It’s poor manners to keep their skills to yourself no matter how much you enjoy them.”

The way she talks about him is appalling.

“He’s a person to me, not whatever you think he is.” Anna’s voice drips with disgust. “We are together, so leave him alone.”

The woman’s eyes shift to me and she loses it. I can feel her instincts screaming to make her bleed.

Anna hisses, flashing her fangs at her. “Mine.”

Fuck, now is not the right time to have a boner.

Her eyes widen before turning around and scurrying back to her friends.

When I turn around, Blaze is behind all of us glaring at the woman as she walks away.

“Sorry, we never said anything before,” I say, clapping Griffyn on the shoulder. I should have stepped in all these years.

“I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t have listened anyway,” Griffyn says before giving Blaze and me a slight smile. Griffyn wraps an arm around her shoulder. “It’s better seeing Anna do it anyway. I want to find a closet somewhere to take you. Anna’s so sexy when she’s being protective of us, right Felix?”

At least I’m not the only one turned on right now.

I smirk. “Yes, she fucking is. Are you sure you don’t want to be in on this Blaze?”

I can’t help taunting him. He needs a push in the right direction.



For the first time, I see Blaze’s lips move more than a twitch. One side comes up and he smirks at me. He steps forward with a hand out.

“Want to dance?”

I barely refrain from dropping my jaw. A little nudge on my back from Felix gets me moving. I put my hand in his and step towards him. “Yes.”

He leads me to the dance floor. Blaze’s body stiffens as soon as we get into position.

“I don’t actually know how to dance,” he admits. He looks cranky about it.

I throw my head back and laugh. “Then why did you ask me to dance?”

He frowns. “I had the urge to ask you first. I may not be as smooth as Griffyn or outgoing as Felix, but I-”

Someone bumps into us, cutting him off. He growls at the man and woman until they quickly move away. I would too, that’s the look of a killer. It reminds me of when I got to see him fight and he faced off with his opponent.

I tug his hand until he’s facing me again and the glare drops from his face. “What were you saying?”

He huffs and keeps frowning while we awkwardly move around the dance floor. When the song ends and he’s about to pull away, I decide to go out on a limb.

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