Page 65 of Deceived

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“Did you know?”

His wince is my answer.

“You knew and you didn’t tell me!”

He crosses his arms and shifts his feet around. “I did and I know it’s shitty he didn’t tell you, but it wasn’t my secret to share Anna. That was up to him and your relationship. I’m sorry he kept it from you.”

I want to rage and yell at him, but he’s right. This isn’t his fault. It’s only right not to blame him for a different relationship.

“Fine, but I am furious with Griffyn. How could he keep this from me, Felix?” My voice breaks.

He wraps his arms around me, resting his chin on the top of my head. “I don’t know why he didn’t tell you, but he clearly cares about you. I can’t imagine he wanted to hurt you.”

“I’m not in the mood for being reasonable. I just want to be upset.”

“Okay, Kitten. Let me hold you while you’re upset then.”

He wipes down my chest with a cloth, slips one of his shirts over my head, and picks me up off my feet carrying me to the bed. I snuggle into his chest, breathing in his popcorn scent.



We wait a week for me to fully heal before finally going after the Garmentas. A week of avoiding Griffyn no matter how many times he tries to talk to me.

It was weird leaving Rion behind at the house again.

Aksel dresses me in a black jumpsuit that has anti-detection magic woven into it.

We land at the end of a driveway. I can’t see anything past the trees everywhere. We walk around the long, winding driveway using the towering trees as cover.

As we get closer, I can just make out a grand and imposing mansion. It has smooth white walls, tall arched windows, and a dark roof.

“This is beyond extravagant,” I say.

“You should see my father’s house,” Aksel snipes.

I’m pretty sure that’s a place I never want to see.

We bypass the polished wood front door with a giant lion’s head knocker and go around back.

“How are we getting inside?” I ask.


The group approaches a window on the ground floor and Blazes uses a shifted claw to force it open.

The inside is just as extravagant as the outside. Seriously, these people have way too much money.

Candles that illuminate the spacious rooms line the walls and corridors. The walls were adorned with tapestries that depicted demon creatures and mystical landscapes, while bookcases filled with ancient tomes line the walls.

“We need to find their basement,” Aksel says, examining every wall as he walks past.

It is eerily quiet here.

We make our way through the living room, searching for any door or secret entrance. I move every statue, vase, and book in the room, but a door never reveals itself.

“We have so much ground to cover and not enough time,” Felix points out.
