Page 95 of Deceived

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“Aksel.” His voice is stern, giving nothing away to his mood. Knowing him, he’s angry about something. He always is.

“I have a question for you,” I say.

No response, just empty silence waiting for me to get on with it.

“I’m looking for information on an old relic. An amulet that is known for counteracting sire bonds.”

A pause. “Does this relate to your current case assignment?”

Time to tread carefully.

“It’s come up and I’m merely curious about it. I don’t believe it should impact finding the vampire.”

“Ryan does seem to be avoiding capture well,” he says. His tone is still dry and without emotion.

I ignore the name, not filling him in on our findings.

“I would need to see such a relic. Do you have it in your possession?” He asks.

“Not currently,” I say. Not a lie, but not the whole truth. It’s in the same house as me but Anna has it.

“Find it and bring it to me. I find myself curious as well.”

The line goes dead.

Fuck! He wants the amulet? That’s a terrible sign.

What am I going to do? If I don’t provide it, he’ll begin the search himself. He will come across Anna and find out I’ve had it with me the whole time. I worry Anna will suffer for that.

I can’t let him meet Anna though and we can’t take the amulet off her.

“How did it go?” Blaze asks from the doorway. He must have been listening for the call to end.

“Not good,” I admit, gritting my teeth. “I didn’t say I had the amulet but he’s demanding I find it and bring it to him. Not sure how we will do that considering we can’t take it off Anna.”

Blaze sighs. “Nothing is ever easy is it?”

“No. No, it’s not.” More than he knows.

I weigh my options before typing up a response. We can’t get tangled in his web right now. Whatever he’s planning can wait.

We can’t since we are on a mission.

Short and to the point.

Why does he want Anna there? He didn’t seem to care about her at the ball and I thought we had played our parts well, but maybe I missed something.

I hate missing something.

I have to be on top of everything if I want to bring my father down but it feels like no matter what I do, he’s always a step ahead of me.

That wasn’t a request. As your councilman and boss, I expect to see you all there or you will be terminated.


“Living room now! Not you Rion!” I shout as I exit my room and head there myself.

I hear grumbling from Griffyn and the others as they make their way there. Rion doesn’t show his face, thank fuck.
