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Megan bites her lower lip.

“We did something we shouldn’t. You are my boss, and my friend Natalie’s dad. I’m your employee. This shouldn’t have happened.”

I had suspected that she was going to say that, but it still hurt. I fold my arms, trying to hide my frustration.

“If this shouldn’t have happened, you shouldn’t have come into my bathroom and stripped off.”

“You shouldn’t have offered to let me come here.”

“I wasn’t planning to seduce you.”

“But you might have?”

I take a deep breath.

“I wouldn’t have done anything you didn’t want. I’m not like that.”

“I know you’re not.” Megan flexes her fingers and rubs her palms on her thighs. “I know that I’m just as much at fault as you are. We both did something that we shouldn’t, and now things are just getting more complicated.”

“I don’t see how.”

“You really don’t see that we’ve done the wrong thing?”

I shrug.

“We’re attracted to each other, and we acted on the attraction. I don’t see the problem in that. Unless you’re regretting it now?”

I see a flash behind Megan’s eyes, and I realize that she does regret it. That hits me like she’s punched me in the gut. Megan blinks hard, and she holds up her hands.

“Look, Mr. Evans… Joel… What we did was amazing, but it can’t happen anymore. We have a previous relationship already. A professional one. That is going to be jeopardized by what we’ve done, and I don’t want to lose that. I love my job, and I don’t want it to be taken from me because I slept with my boss.”

“I wouldn’t fire you for that,” I protest, but Megan shakes her head.

“That’s not what I’m talking about. It’s… it’s complicated. All I can say is that while I enjoyed what we did, it can’t happen afterwards. It has to be something we put to one side and leave alone. We have to go back to how things were before.”

She wants things to go back to normal? How can that be possible? I don’t know if I’m able to do that. There is no chance of carrying on as we had before I kissed her. How can she not see that?

I want to argue, but I can tell that Megan isn’t interested in that. She’s made up her mind, and I know her too well; she won’t be changing it. That hurts more than knowing she wants to go back to how our relationship was before we made it an intimate thing.

“You really think that we can’t be objective at work, don’t you?” I can’t help but say that one thing.

Megan’s jaw tightens. She turns away and sits back down again.

“I’m going to eat, and then I’m going to leave.” She sounds almost wooden with her words. “I’ll head home, and I’ll be in the office on Monday.”


“Your breakfast is going to get cold, Mr. Evans. It’s best that you eat.”

She picks up her knife and fork and begins to eat. I don’t know how she can eat after what we’ve just exchanged. Turning away, I go back into the kitchen in a daze. Then I see my breakfast waiting for me on the counter. It all looks delicious.

But I’ve suddenly lost my appetite.

Chapter 9


Ijumpwhenahand is waved in front of my face. I look around and see Natalie looking at me oddly.
