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“It left Ashley looking like she had been slapped. Then Eric got dressed and left, but not before he told me not to say anything or he’ll make my life hell,” Megan shudders. “I know he’ll do that. He’ll make up some lie to Anna to get her involved as well.”

My anger for Eric is growing even more now. The fact that he cheated on my daughter and then threatened my woman… The audacity of that man is disgusting. I put my arms around Megan and hold her close.

“I’m sorry you had to go through that. I wish I’d been here with you.”

“We didn’t know this was going to happen, Joel. I don’t think we can change it now. Ashley and Clara are in pieces, and Eric is out there making it look like he’s a devoted husband.”

This is a whole mess. I shake my head. “This is… I don’t even know what to say. I thought this was all straightforward, and it’s anything but.”

“I’m sorry to say this, Joel, but your daughter and my ex deserve each other with how messed up and deluded they are,” Megan sighs. “I can’t believe I dated a guy like him for years. I thought I had better judgment than that.”

I hate that she’s beating herself up over this. It’s in the past and should stay there. “It’s not your fault. You got duped by the guy. You can’t blame yourself for that.”

“I wish I had your confidence,” she murmurs.

I tilt her head up and kiss her softly. “How about we get out of here now?” I whisper against her mouth.

“What?” Megan pulls back with a frown. “But what about…?”

“Leave the mess to someone else. This has nothing to do with us. We can get out of here, get some greasy food at that diner you love, and then go back to my place for some dancing without any clothes on,” I waggle my eyebrows. “How does that sound?”

“Try again without doing that thing with your eyebrows.”

That makes me laugh. At least she hasn’t lost her sense of humor. Just as I’m about to ask her again, the door to the dressing room flies open and Clara comes storming out. She looks furious, her eyes blazing and her face red as she barges past us.

“Clara…” Megan calls, but Clara isn’t listening, storming toward the ballroom. Ashley is still in the dressing room, her sobs still audible.

Megan groans and hurries after Clara. Sighing, I follow them. I have a feeling that this isn’t going to be so easy, and Megan won’t be leaving just yet.

I catch up with Megan as she gets into the ballroom, looking around at the crowd. I don’t know if it’s my imagination or if people had decided sitting down was not an option because there seem to be a lot of people standing up now. I can’t see Clara anywhere.

“What happened?” I ask Megan.

“I don’t know. But I know Clara is furious.” Megan doesn’t look at me as she makes her way through the guests, shouting over the loud music. “She was shouting at Eric about how he could do this and how he had promised to the moon and back. I thought she was talking about what he said to Anna, but I’ve never heard him say that to her in the few interactions we’ve had when they’re together.”

“You don’t think she was talking about Anna?” I ask.

“Somehow, I don’t think she was,” Megan stops and groans. “Oh, no. I can see her.”


I follow Megan’s pointing finger and see that Clara has gotten onto the stage next to the DJ. She says something to the DJ, who gives her the microphone. Megan is trying to signal the DJ and make a cutting gesture, but the music dies away, and Clara’s voice, shaking but clear, fills the room.

“I’m sorry, everyone, for stopping the festivities. I know you want to get back to it, but there are things that I need to say to the bride and groom.”

I notice that Eric is looking uncomfortable, and he’s holding onto Anna tightly around the waist. Anna doesn’t appear to have noticed, and everyone’s attention is on Clara. Megan looks tense, as if she wants to stop the car crash that is happening before us but can’t bring herself to do it. Clara takes a deep breath.

“I wish I could say that this is good news, but I’m pregnant.” A ripple of bewilderment goes around the room, and I notice Anna’s smile fading. “I wouldn’t normally bring this up, and it’s not about me, but after what I just saw I can’t keep quiet.

“Eric, the groom, is the father. He’s been seeing me for nearly a year.” I feel the shockwaves hit me. “And I just caught him fucking my sister. He’s a gold-digger, a cheater, and he refuses to acknowledge my child because he wants to be married to a CEO’s daughter in the hopes he takes over. Which he’s never going to get now he’s been fired from his job.” Clara seems to be getting into the flow, looking directly at Eric, who appears to be seething. “Oh, and did they mention that they got together after Anna stole Eric from his official girlfriend? I didn’t know anything about this until the engagement party when I thought Anna stole him from me. Then I find out that I was the side chick all along. So fuck you, Eric! I hope your dumpster fire of a marriage goes up in flames.”

Eric lets out a snarl and launches himself onto the stage. Clara darts out of the way, and the DJ gets between them, holding his hands out to Eric.

“Get out of my way!” Eric screams over the murmuring that is going around the guests. “You take that back, Clara! That isn't funny! Take it back!”

Then I notice that Anna is storming toward us, Caitlin following right behind. She looks ready to explode herself, walking with purpose and her fists at her sides. It’s then I realize that she’s going straight for Megan.

“Anna!” Eric realizes that his wife is leaving and jumps off the stage. “Anna, please…”

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