Page 12 of Hybrid Forgotten

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I take her hand to walk her around to the apartment door.

The backyard is dark, and I don’t like how easy it would be for a stranger to lay in wait back here.

We seriously need to get some security lighting installed.

I put my arm around Amanda and move her in front of me before I unlock the door, keeping her safe if anyone happened to be lurking.

She opens the door and steps into the dark hallway.

I glance around with my shifter vision before I follow her, closing and locking the door behind us.

This staircase could use a set of lights, too. Amanda’s eyes glow as she uses her enhanced vision to locate the railing. I take the backpack out of her hand and throw it over my shoulder.

A second passes before the door at the top of the stairs opens.

Light spills in at the top, before Parker blocks most of it in his hurry to see our mate.

“What happened?” he asks, as he moves down the top few stairs to greet our mate.

“Can we at least get inside first?” I ask him, before Amanda gets a chance to speak.

I don’t like to do that, but he’s being a dumbass.

“As long as you’re okay,” Parker says, his glowing eyes focused on Amanda.

“I’m fine,” she assures him.

He strokes the side of her face. The stairs and his height make a kiss impossible, but I clear my throat noisily anyway. I don’t need to look to know he’s frowning at me, but he doesn’t say a word because he knows I have a point.

He takes an extra second to gaze at Amanda before he takes her hand and leads her up the rest of the stairs. I follow quickly, never quite sure if I’ve annoyed my pack brother enough to earn a door slammed in my face.

Apparently, I didn’t earn that treat tonight.

I step into the main room of the apartment and close the door, turning the lock and putting on the deadbolt out of habit. Parker’s already trying to sweep Amanda into his room by the time I look up.

Sean’s sitting at the kitchen table, looking like he might have just poured a pitcher of water over himself. His hair is wet, and his tank top looks damp. The guy walks around looking like an action movie hero twenty-four-seven and somehow it works for him.

He looks up from the magazine I can tell he’s not actually reading, and I give him an imploring look.

His attention span hasn’t been the same since his demonic possession at the hands of those Dark Arts witches, and I know that’s because he’s always worrying about something. It can take a long time to shake of the negative vibes that kind of encounter leaves behind.

He knows that, and he’s dealing with it. He’s still not through it, but he’ll get there.

The quizzical look he shoots me in return tells me he hasn’t noticed Parker sweeping Amanda into his arms. Things are bad when he doesn’t notice our mate walking into the room. He never misses a trick when it comes to Amanda. He’s besotted like we are.

I point toward our Beta, and Sean sighs at him.

“Put our mate down, Park. It’s Dante’s night with her. You know the rules.”

Parker pulls a face. If there’s one thing we can agree on, it’s how much rules suck.

“Ugh. Fine.” He puts Amanda back down on her feet and kisses her on the cheek.

Amanda shakes her head at him, but she’s wearing a smile, too. I know she would have told him herself, but she loves the guy so she would have given him a few minutes of her attention first, and considering he has her all to himself straight from the academy tomorrow that’s not happening.

Sean gets to his feet, his gaze on the bag in my hand.

Now that there’s light, I can see the exterior crocheted pattern is black, and the interior lining is red.

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