Page 43 of Hybrid Forgotten

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The queue outside the venue is pretty short by the time we get there, but the tickets did note the doors open at eight which was almost an hour ago now.

“Looks like I timed everything just right,” Parker tells me, with a pleased smile.

“So, if we’d gotten here early, we’d have had to wait in a crazy long queue for an hour?”

That sounds insane to me, but what would I know? This is my first concert.

“Pretty much,” he says. “It worked out perfectly. Shouldn’t be too long before the band goes on, either.”

It takes a while to get inside, and the place is seriously packed once we’re in.

Parker keeps me close, his arm wrapped protectively around me the whole time.

“I totally forgot how busy these things are,” he says, close to my ear.

It is kind of crazy how many people seem to be here. The room is huge, and it’s so warm with all the people clustered around the stage and the bar. We find an empty space to stand in that’s a little bit back from the main crowd at the front of the stage.

I know if I was here with Rachel or Dante we’d be trying to get closer to the action, but there’s no way Parker will go for that. He won’t want other people crushing up against me. He’d be that protective of me regardless, but I get the feeling he’ll be a little extra protective now.

I don’t hate the thought of that. It feels nice to be looked after so well.

“I’ll grab us drinks once the band starts,” he tells me. “The bar queue will be almost gone by then.”

I nod. “I could definitely use a water.”

It’s so warm I’m kind of wishing I’d worn a lighter dress.

This denim one isn’t super thick, but I’m already feeling hot.

Parker has everything planned out to the last detail, and honestly, I’m impressed.

He’s pretty damn good at organizing stuff.

I mean, living with him for the past nine months that skill hasn’t gone unnoticed, but this date just proves that it’s a real talent.

Even distracting him in the car on the way here, he managed to get us here on time.

I lean back in his arms, and he grips me a little tighter suddenly, making me wonder what’s going on.

A glimpse at his face tells me he’s just seen someone or something he didn’t want to see.

Oh, Goddess. That can’t be good.

Chapter twenty-four


IshouldhaveknownI’d run into someone from my past when I decided to come to the city tonight. Of all the nights it could have happened, it would have to be the one time I bring my mate.

Typical that it would be Orion, the Beta my father put in charge of his drug trade when I declined that offer. You’d think the guy would be happy he got that promotion when I left.

Unfortunately, he’s one of the guys who thinks I’m a disloyal piece of shit for that decision.

It probably doesn’t help that we were best friends when we were younger, either.

He’s about my height, and a little bulkier, all muscle. His head is shaved, and he has a lot more tattoos around his face than he used to. He looks like an enforcer, but he’s a few steps up from that now. His cold stare fixes on me as he stops dead in front of us.

“Well, well. Look who’s back in the city.”
