Page 71 of Hybrid Forgotten

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“You’re not leaving without me,” Parker warns me.

“I wouldn’t dream of it,” I tell him, rolling my eyes.

Jillian looks at Rachel and gives her a wry smile. “One of these days we’ll find the time to hang out without an emergency situation involved. I’ll let you tell Danny and Sean where we are.”

Rachel smiles. “Sure. One of these days.”

“Okay, get ready,” I tell Jillian and Parker. “I can get us to Fallen Pines, but I don’t know where we’ll appear, exactly, since I don’t have personal experience with the location.”

“As long as that doesn’t mean there’s a high chance of death, I’m cool with it,” Jillian says.

“Zero chance of death.”

“As long as your name isn’t Jake,” Parker growls.

I glance at Jillian, knowing he isn’t joking. Between the two of us, her brother’s going to pay a heavy price for what he’s done.

She shrugs. “At this point, my dumbass brother deserves what he gets.”

Chapter forty-two


Iclosemyeyes,so I don’t feel sick when Dante teleports us out of the apartment. When I open them again a few seconds later, I’m standing outside in a town square full of people. It’s a little jarring, but none of the people seem to have noticed our sudden appearance.

I look at Dante. “How did you do that?”

“It’s a layered spell,” he murmurs.

“Let’s keep the ‘s’ word to a minimum while we’re in a pack town,” Jillian says, reminding us that magic isn’t welcome here. She starts to walk, and we follow.

Amanda wasn’t treated well in this town. As a hybrid, she was expected to hide her witch side, pretend like it didn’t exist. Even following their stupid rules, she was never accepted like the full-blooded wolf shifters.

We’d all be subject to the same limitations if we lived here.

Hybrids are seen as lesser beings in these communities.

It pisses me off, even if it was what made Amanda decide to leave. She never would have met us if it wasn’t for the way she was treated here, but she never should have had to endure that in the first place.

Jillian picks up her pace once we’re away from the town’s centre, leading us down street after street until the woods get closer, and the bigger houses come into view just ahead of the forest.

“Almost there,” she says, motioning to one of those bigger houses.

Jillian might be a hybrid now, but she didn’t used to be.

She was a full-blood wolf shifter until a gator bite turned her into a hybrid with two distinct animal forms. I’m not fond of gators, but her wolf side makes her company palatable. Same goes for the rest of her pack.

Jillian takes a set of keys out of her hoodie pocket and unlocks the front door.

“Mom?” she calls out as she steps into the hallway.

I move inside after her. Dante glances around outside before he comes in and closes the door behind us.

“Jillian?” a woman’s voice calls back. “What a lovely surprise!”

Jillian moves toward the sound of the woman’s voice, and we follow along, leaving a little bit of distance. The door to the kitchen opens and a woman who looks like a sweet-natured, older version of the girl who brought us here appears, arms outstretched when she sees her daughter.

“It’s so good to see you, Mom.”
