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Oh Jeez. I took a big gulp of the spiked juice. “You know, Qwerty, I’m actually smarter than I am beautiful. I got my MBA at The Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago. I graduated summa cum laude.”

His eyes lit up. “Did you know a woman’s pleasure buttons are mostly in her brain? I could stimulate your brain cells and you wouldn’t even need all that ... brawn over there.”

I’d never been hit on by a nerd in such a manner, so I didn’t have a comeback ready on the tip of my tongue.

It didn’t matter because Sweet Caroline began playing and the entire group started swaying and fist pumping to the song. Qwerty had completely forgotten me.

For the rest of the night, I avoided Qwerty and made more of an effort to spend time with Bash, Sadie, and Marius. After two more bars, most of the group was plastered. Bash was driving us back to my place, so he hadn’t had much to drink all night.

We pulled up next to my Mercedes in the parking garage of my building.

Bash tucked a stray piece of my hair, which was crazy from wearing a hat all night, behind my ear. “How are you doing, nerdy girl?”

I giggled. “That was so insane but fun. Those nerds were quite the partiers.”

“They really were. How drunk are you right now?” he asked.

Earlier in the night, I’d been feeling tipsy, but then I began moderating my drinking. “I’m not too bad; I’m glad you slowed me down and made me drink water. I’m definitely up for some action.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Hmm. You want me to stimulate your pleasure buttons?”

I scrunched my nose. “What?”

He pinned me with an intense stare. One heated look from him and my panties melted. “The ones in your brain. I guess you don’t want me to touch the other ones anymore. With my brawn and all.”

The odd conversation with Qwerty came back to me. I guess Bash had been listening after all. Reaching over, I squeezed his biceps. “I love all your brawn,” I purred. “And button-pushing.”

“You don’t think I’m too dumb for you?”

His words broke through my lust-induced daze, and I realized by the somber expression on his face that he was serious.

“What? Of course not!” I scrambled to reassure him, but I couldn’t help but think his question somehow went deeper.

Chapter 27


“Let’s just move those giant purses and sit down. Saving seats should be against the rules,” Josie complained.

Every seat that appeared to be empty had purses or coats or even phones sitting on them.

“Don’t touch anyone’s stuff,” I hissed. “How early did these people get here?” We were right on time but appeared to be the last to enter the small gymnasium.

I walked down the center aisle between the rows of folding chairs, scanning for empty seats.

“Let’s just stand in the back,” Josie grumbled. “I won’t be able to see anything from back here if we’re sitting down, anyway.”

We were attending Kody’s preschool performance. The three, four, and five-year-olds were performing some skits and singing some songs. Kody was pig #2 in The Three Little Pigs and he’d been practicing his line for the past few weeks: ‘No, not by the hair on my chinny chin chin.’ Based on his practice sessions, I gave him about a 50% chance he’d get it right.

We moved to the back of the room and leaned against the back wall to wait. It didn’t look like the performance was going to begin anytime soon. Parents were milling about, and there was no sign of the kids.

Josie dug through her purse and pulled out a mint. “Alice said you were a big prude.”

“Okay.” I didn’t care. “And Alice, is who exactly?” Oh damn, I took the bait.

Josie smiled victoriously. “Angelique’s grandmother. She thought you might be gay.”

“Angelique?” I laughed with disbelief. “The woman with a van-load of kids who fucked some greasy-haired stoner for a bucket of arcade tokens? That one?”
