Page 119 of Under the Stars

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I walkedinto the office and was greeted by a face that I didn’t recognize. She looked to be a little older than me, with a kind smile.

“Hey, I’m Georgia. You must be the new receptionist?”

“Georgia, hey. Yes. I’ve only been here for a week. My name is Halle, and I started when you were in the hospital. Everyone was so worried. I’ve been so excited to meet you as you were in a meeting the day that I interviewed with your boyfriend,” she said, before covering her mouth and shaking her head. “Am I supposed to know that? Anyway, I haven’t seen the boss since I started here. Will he be in today, too?”

“That’s okay. It’s not a secret that we’re together.” I’d leave out the fact that I hadn’t heard from said boyfriend in several days. “He hasn’t been in?”

“No. Not since I started here last week.”

So much had happened in the last week and a half. It felt like years had passed.

Maddox and I had declared our love to one another, I’d fallen through the ice, died, come back, slipped into a coma, recovered as quickly as I’d been wounded, and the man whom I normally spoke to a hundred times a day, who hadn’t left my side the entire time I was in a coma, had left without saying where he was going.

But he owned the company. He couldn’t hide forever.

“Well, he’ll be in soon. It’s great to meet you. Welcome to the team. You’re going to love working here.”

I made my way toward the stairs, and everyone came out of their offices to greet me. They’d all sent flowers and cookies and all sorts of treats while I’d been in the hospital. I took turns hugging everyone, and even Nadia Wright looked emotional when she squeezed my hand.

“We’ve missed you. Both of you. Is Maddox coming back today?”

A lump formed in my throat, but I forced a smile. “He’ll be back soon. He’s just taking care of a few things.”

Freddy and Craig told me they’d be waiting for me at lunch to defend my ping-pong title.

Sydney told me she had lots of good office scoop to fill me in on, and she followed me up the stairs. “I was crying at the office one day because I’d been so worried about you, and Freddy consoled me. He’s since taken me to dinner, and we’re sort of secretly dating.”

“I love that.” I shook my head and smiled. “Two of my favorite people are dating. That’s amazing.”

“Ahhh… we missed all that sunshine at the office, Georgia. So happy you’re back. Where’s the boss?”

I cleared my throat. “He is taking care of a few things for his family. He’ll be back soon. I’ll see you at lunch.”

“Thank you. I’m guessing he’s the one who sent all the flowers this morning?” she said as she turned to jog down the stairs.

I hadn’t received any flowers this morning. I’d gotten a few more arrangements yesterday, and I always sent a text letting him know that I received them, and I missed him. I wasn’t going to beg him to come back to me. Not after all we’d been through. I knew he was going through something, and he needed to do it on his own.

He never responded to the texts. He just sent more flowers.

Bossman never did anything the easy way.

Like picking up a phone and telling me what he was going through.

Nope. He just filled my house with peonies and hydrangeas and every single card said the same thing.

I love you. M.

“Georgia!” Virginia squealed from behind my old desk. My chest squeezed at the sight of her sitting in my spot. The place where it all started.

That felt like it was so long ago.

“Hi! Thanks so much for all the sweet treats you dropped off for me at the hospital.”

“Of course. Boy, did we miss you. The boss called to make sure your office was all set up for you this morning.”

“Oh, really? Did he say when he was coming in?” I asked, trying not to sound desperate.

She looked at me, a little puzzled. Obviously, everyone knew we were together, but they didn’t know that he’d left after I’d woken up or that we hadn’t spoken in days.
