Page 16 of On the Shore

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“I didn’t know you’d be out here, so that would be a bit ridiculous, yeah?”

“What do you want?”

I continued running alongside her and glanced at her profile. Her skin was golden, her exposed abs were feminine yet defined, and her long ponytail swayed from side to side.

I silently warned my dick not to respond to the fact that I couldn’t stop looking at the way her tits bounced just the slightest bit with her movements. They weren’t big, but they were perky, and my mouth watered at the thought of seeing them beneath the black fabric.

Of wrapping my mouth around them and tugging her long ponytail as I kissed my way up the column of her neck.

Jesus, dude. Pull your shit together.

“I want to know why you aren’t taking that job.”

We continued running in silence for another two blocks before she came to an abrupt stop in front of a house.

“Why do you care?” she said over her labored breaths as she leaned over her knees and calmed her breathing.

“You’re being stubborn. Take the fucking job.” I rubbed a hand down the back of my neck as my labored breaths slowed.

“Ah… you feel guilty?”

“I don’t feel guilty,” I lied. “It’s your actions that led to the events that followed. You did follow me into the john. I was pissed. But I’m not the devil. I wouldn’t want to take your livelihood from you. I wanted you escorted out of that press conference. End of story.” I shrugged.

“As if that wasn’t humiliating enough.” She glared at me, wiping the sweat from her forehead. The sun had just come out, and it was shining down on her. Pops of amber and gold danced in her dark gaze.

“Do you have any fucking idea what it’s like to be hounded by the media? To not have a second to breathe without someone shouting questions at you? To be loved one minute when you play well and hated in the brief moments that you fuck up?” I said, surprising myself with how much I’d just shared.

“Cry me a river. You’re the best quarterback in the league. People want to know where you’re going to play. They want to know your story, which, by the way, you’re the most closed-off athlete that I know. You make millions of dollars doing what you love. You just won a goddamn Super Bowl. You don’t get to play the sympathy card. There are bigger issues in the world than you being hounded by reporters. You’re a public figure; you signed up for this.”

She had some fucking nerve.

“And you signed up to be a bloodsucking hound who has no respect for the privacy of others. So, I guess we reap what we sow, yeah?” I hissed.

She held a hand up just above her eyes as if she were looking past me, into the distance. “Oh, hey… is that your pirate ship out there, Captain? Why don’t you get on it and ship the hell out of town? I can’t stand the sight of you.”

“The feeling’s mutual, sweetheart. Didn’t mean to derail your run and make you stop, but obviously, you can’t help yourself when you’re around me.”

“You really are a narcissistic bastard, aren’t you?” She raised a brow. “I live here, genius. You do not affect me in any way, shape, or form. You’re the one who chased after me. But I’m not going to give you what you want, so you can stop bothering me.”

“And what is it that you think I want?” I shook my head in disbelief.

“You want me to take that job so that you don’t have to live with the fact that you got me fired.”

“You got yourself fired. You crossed a line barging into that bathroom.”

“What were you so nervous about anyway? Did you think I’d see your tiny peen and report to the world that the big, bad quarterback isn’t packing?” she asked with a wicked smirk.

I laughed. It was impossible not to. I’d been called a lot of things over the years by the media.

Moody. Arrogant. Closed off.

But being accused of having a tiny dick was not one of them.

I intentionally raised my large hand in front of my face and ran it along my scruff.

“Ah… so that’s why you followed me into the bathroom. You appear to be obsessed with my cock, and I assure you… no one has ever called it small.” I watched as her eyes zeroed in on my hand. “Big hands. Big feet. You know how the saying goes.”

“You want to speak on the record?” She raised a brow.
