Page 28 of On the Shore

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Release us from this ridiculous demand to hate the man. I haven’t been right since I agreed to this stupid pact.

Did you not make us all swear that we’d never talk to Jimmy Peters again after he stole your fifth-grade book report?


I was ten years old. You can befriend the dude now if you want. Mind you, he’s missing two teeth and reeks of whiskey every time I see him at Roddy’s Motor Shop. But have at it. He’s all yours.


He smelled like pickles to me when I was there last week.


Interesting. I thought he smelled like deviled eggs.


I’m kind of hungry now.

I’m here. First meeting with your favorite QB. You can worship the man if you want, you big traitors.


Maddox will be so happy. Can you take a selfie with him for me?


Send me the selfie.


I want it, too.


Well, if everyone else is getting it, just send it my way.

I tucked my phone into my fanny pack and continued walking. I’d always been a morning person, so I didn’t mind meeting him this early for a run. I’d played collegiate volleyball. I could hold my own when it came to cardio. And I couldn’t wait to see if he was a man of his word or if this was just some sort of twisted game for him.

He’d acted irrationally last night when he saw me with Breen.

Breen was a playboy, and of course, he’d taken his shot.

But he’d missed.

Because I could take care of myself, and I didn’t need warnings from some arrogant NFL player who’d been an ass to me more times than he hadn’t.

Now he was suddenly concerned about me?

I made my way through the trees and down toward the cove. It was a gorgeous morning. A perfect day for a run. The sun was shining, and I could hear the water lapping against the shore as I made my way to our meeting point.

It had been a nice break being back home. I hadn’t realized how much I’d missed the simple things, like a quiet morning or a peaceful run outside versus a busy gym in the city.

I’d been working in my garden and had even started cooking and exploring new recipes.
