Page 60 of On the Shore

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He laughed. “You like her. Why don’t you just admit it?”

“I do not. We’re friends. We work together. She also has a no-dating-professional-athletes rule. She’s pissed at me more often than she’s not. And I’m moving across the country soon. There are a million reasons why I shouldn’t go there. Can’t happen.”

“My, oh my. This is so fun to watch. I’ve never seen you like this, Linc. I’ve got to admit—I like seeing you squirm.”

“I don’t squirm. And you’re an asshole. But I do need a favor.”

“Name it,” he said.

“We are never giving so much as a breadcrumb toAthlete Centralas long as Harvey Talbert is there. Can you make sure all your clients are aware that the dude is a class-A creep?”

“Abso-fucking-lutely. And since I’d reached out to get Brinkley her job back, he’s been trying to keep the communication open for some future interviews. I’ll shut it all down.”

“Thank you. Let him know that as long as I’m an athlete, he won’t so much as get a nod from me. He’s a fucking piece of shit.”

“Well, I guess we know why she didn’t take the job back.”

“Yep. Thanks, brother. We’ll talk soon.”

I ended the call and got out of the car. When I made my way up her walkway to the front door, she pulled it open before I knocked.

“My phone has been ringing off the hook. The gig is up, Captain. Apparently, people know I’m working with you. I’m getting all sorts of job offers.” She chuckled and then did some sort of little twirly dance.

“Yeah, Drew just called. It’ll set up your announcement nicely. And the good news is, you will have options for where you want to work when this is all said and done.”

Thoughts of this coming to an end didn’t sit well with me.

I shook it off and focused on today. Now.

Just like I always did.

She invited me in, and I glanced around her place. I’d only ever made it to the front door, and I’d never been invited inside. The place was cute and cozy.

Very Brinkley.

She was wearing a white tank top and a pair of denim overalls, just like the first day that I’d met her.

“Exactly. It’s all very exciting. Everything is set withSports Today.They sent over my contract for the announcement, and they keep bringing up a future job opportunity for me. It’s madness.” She smiled and threw her hands up in the air and shrugged.

“You deserve it.”

“I do, don’t I?” She laughed. “Okay, so… I’ve got lots of things set up for us to do today. We’re starting in the garden. I’m growing my own food, and I love it. Follow me.”

She handed me a pair of red floral gloves and laughed when I tried to shove my hands into them with no luck.

“I told you—big hands, sweetheart.” I smirked.

She sucked in a breath. “Yeah, you’ve mentioned that many times.”

We spent the next hour with me following her around. I didn’t mind it. In fact, following this woman around while she was down on her knees, with a perfect view of her ass, was my new favorite way to spend my day. There just wasn’t much happening in her garden, as apparently, she’d planted seeds, and from what I knew from my mother’s experience gardening, she had a long way to go.

We talked about the fact that she was going viral on the internet.

She was completely unfazed and much more excited about the professional opportunities that were now coming her way.

We spent the next hour making vision boards. I made fun of her the entire time, as she had me cut out words and photos from magazines and stick them on this canvas board. But I’d be lying if I didn’t admit I was having a damn good time.

It didn’t matter what I was doing—just that I was doing it with her.
