Page 78 of From No to O

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The accusation is absurd on so many levels, but what is vexing me most iswhy? Why would a woman I don’t even know make up something about me?

I’ve wracked my brains. Did I look at someone wrong? Say something rude? Bump into somebody? Every time, I come up blank.

I come to work at Bonded Crest every damn day and work my ass off. I don’t have time for anything else, much less making a pass at some woman in the elevator.

“Are you kidding, Ethan?”

I roll my shoulders to ward off some of my tension. It doesn’t work. “I wish I were, Ava. She’s fromGlisten. They won’t tell me what I did, nor who filed the complaint. But I saw her name on HR’s paperwork.”

She pauses. “Who… who was it?” she asks quietly.

“Someone named Pia. Do you know her? I don’t. It’s crazy. I’m losing my mind. I guess I just wanted to know if you have any insights. I know you can’t do anything,” I say like a rambling idiot.

“Did… did you sayPia?” she whispers.

“Yeah. At least that’s what the paperwork I saw says. This sucks. It fucking sucks. Even if she can’t prove anything, this is still a mark against me. It’s not right.”

“Oh my god,” she says quietly.

“I know, right? This is unbelievable—”

She cuts me off. “Meet me at the coffee shop two blocks over. Hurry.”

And she’s gone.

Well, damn. I don’t need this to turn into some cloak and dagger bullshit, but what the hell.

Five minutes later I enter the coffee shop, quiet due to the hour, and spot Ava in the back, semi-hiding behind a post.

I have to say, she’s fucking stunning, blonde curls cascading over her shoulders, and her blue wrap dress matching her eyes.

Down, boy.

“Ava,” I say.

“Oh my god, Ethan. I know this woman, Pia, whose name you saw on the complaint, and she has it out for me. I think she knows about us, about all the guys actually, and to get me, she’s going after you too.” Elbows on the table, she drops her head into her hands.

“I… I don’t mean to burden you with this, Ava. I just wanted to find out… whatever I can. What do you mean, she has it out for you?”

“For some reason she doesn’t like me. She’s always setting me up. I guess at one point she wanted my column and didn’t get it. But I know she found out some personal stuff about me—and you guys—by snooping in Cami’s DMs. She must think if she embarrasses me enough, I’ll leave and she can have the column.”

Holy shit. That’s serious stuff, especially since Ava’s already dealing with a lot. I shouldn’t have involved her. She’s gone pale and if I’m not mistaken, her hands are shaking.

Jesus, she’s just had a shit of a time lately. I didn’t need to pile on more. And yet, I am.

“Would… would you feel comfortable putting that in writing for me? Look, I don’t feel like you owe me anything, but it would be such a help.”

She reaches for my hand, and I realize I thought I might never feel her touch again. “Of course, Ethan. We can’t let her get away with this.”

I curl my fingers around hers and a bit of calm runs through me. I’m still amped up, but the woman soothes me in ways she has no idea about. “I’ve missed you, Ava. The guys and I, when we got your email, we wanted to talk together before we responded—”

She waves away my words. “Don’t. I don’t want to talk about that. Let’s just iron out this Pia matter. Get it taken care of once and for all.” She stands to go. “I’ll head back first. I don’t want her to see us together and get any ideas about messing with us further.”

She pats me on the shoulder and leaves.

Jesus. I’m happy for her help, I really am. I guess I also thought there’d be a chance to kind of reconnect with her.

Clearly not anything she’s interested in.

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