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I look at Gaby. She crosses her eyes, and we both chuckle.

“I’d have sex with James,” Aroha continues. “Because he’s so gorgeous I’m convinced my tongue’s going to roll out of my mouth like a cartoon character’s when he walks by.”

That makes us all giggle.

“I’d kiss Damon, and have dinner with Tyson,” she says, “because I’m too polite to say otherwise when I’m sitting with the bride-to-be.”

“Aw,” Gaby says, and pokes her with her toe.

“Your turn,” Aroha tells me.

“I’d happily murder Alex,” I tell them. “And then I’d have dinner, kiss, marry, and absolutely, one hundred percent, have mad monkey sex with Damon Chevalier, not necessarily in that order.”

It occurs to me as the words leave my mouth that I might be a little drunk, but it’s too late now, and they all burst out laughing.

“Michelle Winters,” Gaby scolds. “He’s far too old for you.”

“Six years?” Aroha says. “Jeez, that’s nothing.”

“I didn’t know you liked him,” Juliette says to me, amused. “How long’s this been going on?”

“She’s always liked him,” Gaby says, “I knew that.”

“Does he know?” Juliette asks.

“Yeah,” I say. If he doesn’t know by now, then there’s something seriously wrong with him.

Her lips curve up. “You’ve told him?”

“Ah… let’s just say that on the way here in the car, something happened that gave him a good idea…”

They all sit up with a squeal. “You had sex with Damon Chevalier in the back of his Jag?” Gaby asks, jaw dropping.

“Mmm, not sex exactly…”

“Details!” Aroha demands. “We need details.”

“He… ah… gave me an orgasm.”

The look on their faces is so funny that I dissolve into giggles.

“What?” Gaby says. “How? Why?”

“Because I said I’d never had one.”

Slowly, their smiles fade.

“Sorry,” I add. “I didn’t mean to kill the mood.”

Aroha stares at me. “You mean you’d never…”

I shake my head.

“Not even on your own?” Juliette adds, frowning.

Another shake.

Gaby bites her lip. “Oh, baby,” she says, and she pulls me toward her for a big hug. “I’m so sorry,” she whispers. I think she can guess why I have issues.
