Page 70 of Secretary Seduction

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After a few minutes of him purposely turning it up every time I glared over my shoulder at him, I finally lost my patience. Yeah, Luka liked to start shit, but now he was just being a dick.

“Will you turn that the fuck down?”

“Fucking make me, asshole.”

With a snarl, I pushed off the stool. He stood too, looking primed and ready for a fight, his hands clenching and unclenching at his sides.

“What the hell is your problem?” I barked.

“You wanna know what my problem is? You’re my fucking problem! I’m not the only one to blame for what happened and I’m tired of taking all the heat! I wasn’t the one getting a blowjob at the office!”

“It was your fucking idea!”

He rounded the couch, seething. “And you said yes! You could’ve just as easily said no and stayed all chivalrous and shit. Don’t put the whole thing on me!”

I made an irritated noise. “You’re fucking reaching, man. You’re telling me if she would’ve offered, you’d have turned her down?”

He rolled his eyes. “No, I wouldn’t! But I wouldn’t be putting the blame on you for putting the idea in her head! You were the one who said yes!”

Huffing out a laugh, I shook my head. He really could be fucking dense sometimes. “That’s not the point, asshole. The prank shit is between you and me. You dragged Julie into it and she’s right. If she would’ve gotten caught by anyone other than Grayson, she could’ve lost her job. You say you’re such a charmer, but you’re a shit boyfriend, if that’s the way you treat her.”

I’d expected him to get mad, but when he shoved me, it actually shocked me. Luka didn’t get violent. It wasn’t his way. Besides, he knew I could hurt him.

“Fuck you, Bennett! It was a fucking tease! Neither of you had to go through with it!”

I knew I shouldn’t, he was smaller than me, but his words pissed me off. So I shoved him back. Probably harder than I should’ve because he stumbled and fell onto his ass. And it only seemed to set him off. He pushed to his feet and launched himself at me. When his fist connected with my jaw, I saw red. I didn’t want to hurt him, he was my friend, but he went too far.

My fist hitting his gut made him double over, but he wasn’t going down that quickly. He used the lower stance to rush me, knocking me on my ass. Before he could pin me, I grabbed his arm and twisted my lower half, flipping him beneath me. His free hand shot out, hitting me in the ribs, but the angle was shit and it didn’t hurt enough to stop me. Yanking his arms over his head, I was about to headbutt him when he started to wriggle his lower half to escape. He nearly succeeded too, but that was because I was distracted by the fact that he had a fucking hard on. I froze, stunned. Never in a million years did I think Luka had a thing for guys.

He was either oblivious or purposefully ignoring the fact that he was basically grinding himself against me. I shook my head, trying to clear it, but a man can only take so much of someone moving like that without reacting.

“Luka! Stop!”

He ignored me, his teeth bared as he furiously tried to free himself. He wasn’t going anywhere. I had his wrists in a death grip. But that just meant he was trapped beneath me and it was getting harder to think straight. Desperate to stop him before I completely lost my mind, I did the one thing I could think of. I dropped my weight on top of him and slanted my mouth over his.

He froze long enough for me to second guess myself. I was just pulling away when his lips softened and he kissed me back.

It’d been a while since I was with a guy. You forget certain things after a while, like the fact that I didn’t naturally have the upper hand anymore. The second I released his wrists, Luka started pushing for control. Instead of a fight to kick each other’s asses, it turned into a fight for dominance, and suddenly Luka wasn’t the only one with an erection. His tongue tangled with mine and he pushed against me in an attempt to get me on my back.

To keep my advantage, I slowly ground my cock against his. He stiffened again before ripping his mouth away from mine and letting out a loud groan. I trailed my lips across his jaw, smirking when he dug his fingers into my arms. He wasn’t pushing me away, and that was hotter than I’d expected.

“Is this why you were so bent out of shape?” I murmured, nipping at his neck.

He growled, his hips jerking up against mine. “Shut up.”

I chuckled low. He was still pissy, but it was hard to stay mad when someone was getting you off. I kept up the low roll of my hips, grinning when he clutched tighter to me.


I hummed, licking a trail up his neck. I knew all about how confusing it was at first. I thought I was straight until one of the guys in my platoon suggested masturbating together. They said it didn’t mean anything, and I was bored enough and lonely enough to give it a go. Things progressed from there until the ‘it didn’t mean anything’ excuse was too flimsy. I was too into it for it to mean nothing. But I still liked women, too. I was confused for a while on what that meant. It was Grayson who talked me through it. He didn’t swing that way, but he had friends who did. And once he got me talking, I finally admitted that I cared more about the inside than what was going on in someone’s pants. Turns out, I was pan. I didn't even know that term until he told me, and it all made sense once he explained what it meant.

Luka’s breathing stuttered, and he shook his head. “B-Bennett… I’m gonna come…”

That ripped a groan from me. Shit, I never even thought about doing shit with Luka. He was a ladies' man. It didn’t feel like his thing. But him saying he was about to finish just from me grinding on him was hotter than I expected and I gritted my teeth, my face pressed against his neck.

“Me too…”

My admission seemed to set him off, and he let out a shout, bucking his hips. His noises pushed me over the edge and I felt myself let go, making a mess of my boxers. We both laid there, panting and out of breath, until Luka nudged me.
