Page 71 of Secretary Seduction

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“I need to change.”

Nodding, I pushed myself to my feet. When I offered him my hand, though, he ignored it, keeping his eyes averted. He stumbled when he stood, but when I caught his elbow to steady him, he jerked away, taking a step back.

“I’m good.”

I studied him with a frown. From what I could tell, we were both into it, but Luka looked a little shell shocked. He spun and disappeared into the guest room without looking back, leaving me standing there with a confused look on my face.

After a few minutes of staring at the door like an idiot, I went to Grayson’s room to clean up. I was lucky that it didn’t soak through to my slacks. I took off my boxers, considering it before balling them up and hiding them in my pocket. Nothing else I could do about it, really. Any clothes I kept here in case I slept over were in the guest room and I doubted Luka was going to let me in to grab something fresh, so I went without.

When I came back to the living room, Luka was still hiding. I sat back at the island, frowning at my phone without actually looking at it. When Luka did come back out, he refused to look at me, moving back to the couch and giving his full focus to the tv, though this time at a much more tolerable level. It ticked me off that he wasn’t giving me the time of day, so I played with my phone instead of trying to talk to him.

We were both studiously ignoring each other when Grayson unlocked his door. When Julie followed him inside, I straightened.


She flashed me a nervous smile. “Hi, Bennett.”

Glancing between them, I frowned. “What… I thought you wanted to go home?”

She nodded, twisting her fingers like she was anxious about something. I felt a presence beside me, and when I looked over at Luka, he had a similar look on his face.

“Is this about what happened earlier? We talked about this, Grayson. You said she wasn’t going to get into trouble–”

Grayson urged Julie forward, shaking his head. “It’s not about that. Let’s sit down. There’s something I want to discuss with you two.”

Confused, I slid off the stool, following behind when the group moved to the couches. Grayson shut off the TV, moving to sit beside Julie. My eyes narrowed. She still looked like she was about to jump out of her skin, and her face was flushed. She chewed on her lip, frowning at the coffee table.

“What’s this about?” Luka demanded.

Grayson shot him a look. “Before we start, I need to know you’re going to behave. You’ve been off the charts on your behavior lately, and I need you to be serious for once.”

Luka glared at him. “I don’t need a lecture, Grayson. What the hell did you say to freak her out so much?”

While they bickered back and forth, I watched Julie. She looked so uneasy, and her hands were balled tightly in her lap. Whatever it was that they wanted to talk about, she was worried about it. Ignoring the arguing idiots, I moved to kneel in front of her, tipping my head so I could catch her eye line.

“What is it, baby?”

When she looked up at me, her eyes watered with unshed tears. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have– It was spur of the moment, and I know I should’ve talked to you two first. I feel like I betrayed you and you’re both so perfect and I’m so selfish for asking for more. I–”

Jerking my head back, I raised my eyebrows. “Julie, baby, what are you talking about?”

She winced, dropping her gaze again. “I kissed Grayson.”

My mouth fell open. Out of everything I thought she’d say, that wasn’t what I was expecting.

“Fuck. Finally!”

Luka’s exclamation made Julie jump, and she jerked her head up, her eyes wide as dinner plates.


I pursed my lips against a laugh. “We knew he had a thing for you. It was only a matter of time before you charmed him into joining in. You’re too perfect for words, baby.”

Grayson watched on in silence, cool as a cucumber. He wasn’t worried about how this would go, probably because we’d been urging him to think about it from the start. He was one of my best friends, and I knew Julie would be good for him.

When Julie melted into the couch, I shifted to sit beside her, tucking her against me. She was still trembling and needed a few minutes. She must’ve worked herself into a tizzy, thinking we’d be pissed.

“You’re a dick, Grayson. You couldn’t tell her we’d be okay with it?”
