Page 72 of Secretary Seduction

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Grayson scowled at Luka. “I did. She cares about your opinion. Don’t be such a shit.”

Luka ignored him, moving to take my place kneeling in front of her. He took her hands, kissing the backs lightly. “I’m proud of you, beautiful. You managed to get Grayson to pull his head out of his ass. Not even I could do that, and I’ve been pestering him for weeks.”

Her eyebrows flew up. “You have?”

He nodded. “Grayson’s going to work himself into an early grave unless he finds something else to focus on. And you, gorgeous, are the perfect distraction. Though I am really annoyed that there’s one more person I have to share you with.”

Grayson shook his head slowly at Luka’s antics. I could understand his statement, though. I felt the same way. It was good that Grayson would get to experience being with someone as wonderful as Julie. But sharing her was already a cause for fighting. Now we’d have to share her with one more person, which wasn’t great. I’d suck it up, though, because the smile on Julie’s face was worth it. She looked relieved and really happy, especially when I pressed a kiss to the top of her head. She tipped her chin up, beaming at me, and I let go of my misgivings. For her, I’d share.

“No more though. Two other guys is plenty. I’m not sharing her with anyone else,” Luka declared.

I bobbed my head. “Agreed.”

Chapter Thirty-Four


The relief was overwhelming. I thought for sure that they’d have an issue with it, especially since we already had problems with how this was supposed to work, but neither one of them seemed bothered by it. Bennett rubbed my shoulder, keeping me tucked up against his side, while Luka sat on the coffee table in front of me, giving his best ‘I told you so’ speech to Grayson.

“How long after my little speech did you go for it? I need to know how much credit to give myself.”

Grayson gave him a flat look before heading for the kitchen. “Shut up, Luka.”

I decided for now to ignore them arguing. I’d worked myself up on the way over here and I had a headache from the rollercoaster of emotions of the day. I cuddled closer to Bennett, shutting my eyes.

“You alright?” He kept his voice low, not wanting to compete with Luka and Grayson.

Letting out a long breath, I nodded. “I’m okay. I’ve got a little headache, but it’ll pass, I’m sure.”

His big hand came up to cup my face, gently stroking my skin. When I blinked up at him, he looked concerned. I didn’t want to worry him, I was sure it was nothing, but I felt like Grayson was right. It was best to be honest from now on about how I was feeling.

To distract him from his worries, I stretched and pressed my lips against his. He softened, sipping at my lips. I melted even more in his sweet embrace, the tension from the day leaving me. He never pushed for more, never made it about sex. It was just his way of comforting me.

I kept my eyes closed when he pulled away to rest his forehead against mine. Alan never comforted me like this when I was upset or having a rough day. It felt good to not be forced to shove my feelings down so I could take care of his needs. Bennett moved me back to resting against his chest, and ran his fingers through my hair, effectively melting me into a puddle on the floor.

Luka was still talking to Grayson, so when he grabbed my leg, I wasn’t expecting it. I jumped, my eyes flying open, but he didn’t look in my direction. He pulled off my heels, rested my feet in his lap, and began methodically rubbing the arches. A groan slipped out unbidden and he flashed me a grin and a wink before turning back to Grayson, who was pulling out food to make dinner.

This seemed a little unfair. I stood no chance with men like this. Bennett stroking my hair, Luka massaging my feet, Grayson making me dinner. What woman wouldn’t fall in love with them?

As soon as the thought struck me, I dashed it away. I couldn’t be thinking like that. I just got out of a long-term relationship recently, and this thing with the guys wasn’t a forever thing. I wasn’t sure how long they planned on keeping it going, but I doubted they’d want to share me forever. I didn’t like to think about that, though. For now, everyone seemed happy, and I wanted it to stay that way.

“What? No way.”

Opening my eyes again, I looked at Luka. I hadn’t been paying attention to what they were talking about. He was frowning at Grayson, who gave him a pointed look.

“Yes way. I need her help. You’ll be fine.”

He made a face. “That’s not how this works. You don’t just get to claim her.”

My brows furrowed, and I sat up, pulling my feet out of Luka’s lap. “What’s going on?”

Grayson looked annoyed. “I told them that you were going to the gala with me and he’s having a tantrum. After the shit you pulled today, I don’t think you get a say, Luka.”

Luka launched to his feet, furious. “It wasn’t just me! It’s not like I fucking forced her! And we weren’t even talking about that! I–”

Grayson sighed, shaking his head, his focus on the cutting board in front of him. “We all know you like to manipulate to get your way. I try to let the two of you do your own thing, as long as it doesn’t affect your work, but you should have discussed it with Julie beforehand. She never agreed to be part of your prank war with Bennett.”

Most of the time that I’d spent with Luka, he was smiling. It was my favorite thing about him, how he could light up a room and take all my stress away. He wasn’t smiling now. He looked almost… panicked. And pissed. But I could see the worry underneath.
