Page 115 of Illicit Monster

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My insides flip. I stare at her.

She bites on her lip and arches her eyebrow. Then she tilts her head and says, "Ah. Something unconventional, huh?"

"Ya could say that," I claim, not wanting to get into my da's issues, and embarrassed at the thought of Arianna knowing about them. And then Tynan's voice fills my head with his "because I could" comment.

Arianna must seem to understand I don't want to disclose everything and says, "Well, he sure got lucky. So what's your favorite store?"

I shrug. "I don't know. I'm not really used to shopping like this. And the stores are different than in Ireland."

"Ah, yes, they are. Well, we'll start from the beginning and shop till we drop. How's that?" she asks, her eyes twinkling.

I laugh. "Sounds good."

We make our way through the city, and another car pulls up when we get to the shopping plaza. Something seems alarming about it, so I fret, "Who's that?"

Arianna waves it off. "Oh, those are our bodyguards."

"Bodyguards?" I question.

She rolls her eyes. "Yep. Can't be married to anybody in these families without bodyguards. If Killian lets me out of his sight, there's always eyes on me. I'm sure Tynan's the same."

I don't say anything. Is he the same? I've been with him or his family the entire time we've been together, which hasn't been very long. Then his warning about always knowing where I'm at to ensure my safety pops into my head.

We get out of the car. Arianna takes me through several boutiques, and we try on shoes, dresses, shirts, jeans, and jackets. When we get to the boot aisle, she shrieks, "Oh my gosh. I've wanted these for a while." She holds up a pair of Gucci ankle boots.

"They're beautiful," I agree.

The saleswoman approaches us, offering, "Can I help you?"

Arianna answers, "I need this pair in an eight, please."

"Okay, you can sit right there and try them on."

Arianna shakes her head. "I don't need to try them. They'll fit me."

I laugh. "How can ya be sure?"

"They're Gucci. My favorite brand. They always fit me," she claims and dangles the pair in front of me, stating, "Ya need a pair too."

I glance at the hefty price tag, cautiously asking, "Do I?"

"Yeah, of course. What size are you?"

"I think, in America, I'm a seven."

"We'll take a seven too," she calls after the saleslady.

The woman turns. "Eight and seven?"

"Yes, please," Arianna replies.

The woman returns with two boxes. Arianna pulls me to the counter and pays for both of them. "This is my present to you."

"Present? I don't need a present," I declare.

"Oh, hush. Consider it my wedding gift since I couldn't make it to the shower."

I don't say anything. I didn't have a shower, and I don't want to have to explain that either.
