Page 118 of Illicit Monster

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A server stops by. He sets down two glasses of water, and says, "Hi. I'm Dan. Is there anything different you'd like to drink?"

"Well, she'll have... Do you drink wine?" Arianna asks.

"I do, but I had a lot last night, so I'll probably just stick with water."

"Do you want wine?" Dan asks.

Arianna starts to say yes and says, "No, wait, no. Nope. Just water. Water for both of us, please."

"Are you sure?" he questions.

She smiles. "Yep, but can you tell us the specials?"

"Today we have toasted garlic-infused chicken ravioli, spinach salad with salmon and sweet dill sauce, and a lobster roll," he recites.

"Wow. That all sounds really good, doesn't it?" I declare.

"It does, but I'm getting the goat cheese sandwich with a cup of the beer cheese soup," Arianna answers.

"And for you, miss?" Dan asks.

"I'll have the ravioli special, please."

"Good choice. I'll be back soon, ladies," Dan states and then leaves.

Arianna twirls her hair, asking, "So what will you be doing here while you're in the city?"

I take a deep breath, and the overwhelming sensation I felt when Tynan told me about signing up for classes returns. "Well, this morning, Tynan showed me a bunch of classes that are going on. He thought it would be fun since I don't have any hobbies. Just to see if I like them."

"Ooh, what kind?" Arianna asks.

"Well, there's a cooking class with Chef Artois, a painting class with Paul Duclar, and also this really cool photography class with Simon Belafonte. Tynan told me that he does all the magazine shoots."

Her face lights up. "Yes, he's the best. Oh my gosh. Those all sound amazing. Can I do them with you?"

"Really? You'd want to?"

"Yeah. What else am I going to do while I'm here? I mean, I have the baby and all, but we also have the nanny, and I need to get out too. It'll keep me busy."

"Really? You'd go with me?" I ask again, still in shock she'd want to.

She laughs. "Yeah. Why do you keep questioning me? I'd love to."

"Okay, great. If I'm being honest, I'm a little bit nervous," I confess.

"Why are you nervous?"

I shrug. "I've never taken classes before." I pause, debate for a moment, then decide that Arianna's safe. I add, "My da's a big gambler and an alcoholic. He gets into a lot of trouble, so I always had to concentrate on ensuring he was okay."

Her face falls and a sympathetic look takes over her features. She puts her hand on mine. "I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sure that's a tough situation for you."

"It is what it is. But I've never really had time to do anything besides care for him. Tynan was shocked when he asked me about my hobbies and I told him I don't have any."

Arianna nods. "I can see that. Now that you're here, and he's done all this amazing research for you, we should sign up." She pulls out her phone. "Let's see. Ooh, we can take the cooking class on Wednesday nights and then"—she moves her finger over the screen—"we can do the painting class on Thursday morning. And then the photography class..." She slides her finger over the screen again and then looks up. "Tuesday afternoons."

I laugh. "It's that easy, huh?"

She nods. "Of course it is. It'll be fun. We'll have a really good time. But there's something else that maybe we should do." She gives me a mischievous look.
