Page 21 of Boys of Summer

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Luca glowers at me and I shrug. “What? It was funny…”

Our dramatics don’t stop the redhead from making a show of running her slender fingers down the length of Luca’s jacket sleeves until they’re caressing his pants beneath the table. Fury lights me up and I fucking hate it. I hate the sickening jealousy that makes my throat close up. Luca’s eyes won’t leave mine and I bite down hard on my lip.

I need air. I need to walk off this pent-up aggression and get it out of my system so that I don’t end up screwing this night up for my mom. I stand abruptly and Jax goes to follow, but I lay a hand on his shoulder and shake my head. “I need to use the ladies’ room. Be back in a bit.” Leaning down, I sink my fingers into his thick hair, kissing him softly and sensually. He tastes like chocolate lava cake, and my belly erupts with heat.

Not bothering to look at Luca, I take off for the doors, not caring if I look like I’m fleeing desperately. I need to get out of this stifling room. I need to get away from all of these smiling faces. My life is spiraling out of control and my emotions are going haywire.

Bursting into the bathroom, I take deep breaths of lavender-scented air, leaning against the door after locking it behind me. I don’t give a crap if anyone needs to pee right now, I just need a few seconds to myself. The bathroom is one of those disgustingly nice-looking rooms, complete with a lobby made of mirrored walls and vaulted ceilings. Carpet covers the floors, and couches and chaise lounges fill the empty space next to skinny side tables topped with hand lotions and perfumes.

I throw myself down onto one of the couches—very dramatic-like, swinging my feet up to rest on the arm. I whip out my phone, knowing that there's only one person who could possibly help me right now.

Kennedy’s smiling face greets me via Facetime and I can’t help but snort. Her black hair is tied up in a messy ponytail and her green eyes are framed with thick glasses that make her eyes bug out of her head like a flea. She rolls her eyes. “Oh shove it, bitch, I don’t look that bad,” she grumbles and it makes me laugh even harder.

“No words,” I cough to cover my laugh. It feels good to laugh. I needed the distraction.

“Where are you?” she asks, leaning to the side, attempting to see around me. “Are a bathroom?” She squints at me. “Are you hiding in a bathroom right now, Nora?”

I bite my lip. “Uh, no?”

“Nora Blair! Don’t lie to me, what happened? Aren’t you supposed to be snacking on caviar and the souls of poor children right now?”

I bring myself into a sitting position and brace my cheek in my hand. “I can’t do it.” I confess. “I fake it anymore, these guys are gonna be the death of me, I can see it now.”

She frowns at the camera. “Don’t wimp out on me. I’m enjoying this soap opera way too much for you to just give up. Now, tell Dr. Kennedy what’s happening.”

“Yes, Your Highness,” I mutter as I settle back. “For starters, my friend slash friend-with-benefits slash lifelong crush, Jax Pembroke showed up to surprise me.”

She squeals. “Holy shit, it’s like Gossip Girl!”

Groaning, I raise my eyes to the heavens for help I know I’ll never be granted. “Lord save me, Ken. I need your help here. Be serious.”

Her face sobers and she pushes her glasses up the bridge of her nose. “Serious Kennedy reporting for duty, sir… So, what happened?”

“The guys flipped. They’re both here, surprise, surprise. They’re acting like a bunch of...well, they're acting like jealous boyfriends.” Admitting it feels strange.

She snorts “Wow, sounds like you’ve got a situation on your hands.”

“Helpful. Really helpful, oh sage one.”

“Oh my god, Nora! What you don’t seem to realize is that you, my friend, have the exact opposite of a problem.”

I blink at her. “I’m not following.”

“You have three delicious guys that are clearly in love with you—”

“Lies—” I cut her off with a Gollum-like hiss and she scoffs.

“The sooner you admit it to yourself, the easier all this gets.” She claps her hands. “Anyway, you have three hotties vying for your heart, so why not take full advantage?”

“It doesn’t work like that. And besides, two of those assholes brought dates tonight. River has a girlfriend and Luca hates my guts.” My stomach sours again at the thought of Casey's grimy hands all over River.

“Thenun-girlfriend him. Or is itde-girlfriend?” she muses and I clear my throat loudly. “Sorry, but you know what I mean. Casey’s a passing dalliance. He can’t be serious about a girl like her. Trust me, I went through all four years of highschool with her and her little posse.”

“I wish I could be as optimistic about this as you—” I’m cut off as someone begins to pound on the door.

“Looks like some ladies need to do the doo,” Kennedy laughs and I reluctantly giggle.

“Meet me for coffee tomorrow. I need to vent some more, and you need to tell me some of your own dirty little secrets because I'm actually starting to feel like Blair Walforf right now.”
