Page 31 of Arden

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“Great, just great.” I throw my hands up in the air. “You really do know everything. Damn that Hayden. That was my story to tell, not his.”

I’m mildly aggravated, but Arden says, “Don’t be mad at him, okay? He just wanted to give me a heads-up in case you seemed sad at times.”

“Sad?” I scoff. “I think I’ve been quite pleasant lately.”

He nods vigorously. “You have. In fact, you don’t seem sad at all. Well, I mean, at the movie you did. But in regular life, you’re fine.”

I realize then that he’s right.

I actually am fine.

In fact, I haven’t felt melancholy since I started hanging out with him.

I’m not telling him that, though.

He’ll get the wrong idea.

Or maybe he’ll get the right idea.

Shit, how do I feel about this man?

I mean, I’m clearly mega-attracted to him. I have been from the start. But is there more?

Ugh, that’s not something to ponder right now. Not with him looking hot as hell and seated right next to me.

Well, there is a little space.

But still…

I’m relieved when he opens his mouth and says, “I also think Hayden was giving me a warning as well.”


Maybe I’m not so relieved after all.

“What the hell does that mean?” I ask. “A warning about what?”

Now he looks really uncomfortable.

Shifting, he waves his hand. “You know. He just doesn’t want me to hurt you. Not that I ever would, but…”

He trails off, so I finish his thought for him, especially since it’s so fucking clear. “So what you’re trying to say is Hayden warned you to pretty much not hook up with me because…” I tap my chin, sarcastically pretending to think about it. And then I go on, “Oh yes, let’s see. What was it that you said? That’s right, I know—you don’tdorelationships.”

I can’t resist this little smartass jab.

He handles it well, though, and just replies flatly, “It’s true. I don’t.”

Here’s my chance, so I take it. “Why is that, Arden? Did you haveyourheart broken too?”

I’m being snarky, but I truly want to know. I’m fully expecting some kind of a hardass retort, like “I’m just not a relationship kind of guy,” or “I like being alone,” or “What can I say? I’m a player, babe.”

Yeah, it’s bound to be one of those.

But, surprising the crap out of me, he says very softly, “Actually, yes, I did have my heart broken. Not just once, either, but twice.”


