Page 63 of Trick's Elite

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Six days later, Stiletto was excited as Trick helped her inside the clubhouse. She had messaged all the Shifty Sisters and asked them to meet her there, because she had a surprise for all of them. Trick was going to help her get settled inside, then he would grab their gifts from the car.

When they entered the building, she wasn’t shocked at all to find that they were all there even though it was fifteen minutes early. Their curiosity in the return messages she got told her that they all loved getting gifts, so she knew they wouldn’t mess around with showing up.

After all the hellos and Trick returned with the stack of boxes, Stiletto shooed him away and started handing them out. “Okay. Don’t open them yet.”

“What? We gotta wait?” Kisy grumbled.

Stiletto grinned. “I wanted to give you all something for being so welcoming to me, and for arranging the care packages and stuff. You didn’t have to do that, but you did, and I appreciate it very much.” She cleared her throat. “All of them are the same, except for two. Butterfly and Doc. Open them, and I think you’ll see why.”

She watched as all the women tore into the boxes, tossing wrapping paper and ribbon every which way, until they each revealed the knife in the box in front of them. Butterflies knife was a silver butterfly knife, Doc’s was a blue handled scalpel, and the rest were stiletto knives with different colored grips. Each of them had their new owner’s name engraved in the blade.

“Kick ass,” Pixie blurted, staring down at the yellow handle of hers.

“She bought themknives?” Axle blurted from across the room.

Stiletto turned and looked in that direction to find that he was glaring at Trick. Her mate just shrugged. “Yup.”

“Fuck me,” Axle grumbled and stomped out of the room.

“Don’t worry about him,” Gorgeous said with a laugh. “He gets cranky when I’m preggo.”


The pretty blond smiled. “Thanks!”

Trick walked up to her side and bent down to look her in the eye. “I’m going to get my tat. You good here?”

She gave a nod. “Make sure it’s not a sissy one. I’m a badass, remember?”

He grinned. “The baddest.”
