Page 151 of The Luna Duet

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“Fuck.” My temper gathered at my helplessness. At all the tragic and tormenting shame I’d carried for not being able to be with someone who wasn’t Neri.

But...standing there, with her tears glistening in the moonlight, I was glad.

Glad my body had betrayed me.

Glad my heart had bound me in every tangible way to this incredible girl, this matching piece of my soul.

“I don’t care that I wasn’t your first, Neri. But if I have my way...I’ll damn well be your last.”

She moaned. “Do you mean that? Truly, truly mean that?”

My lips pulled back as I fisted myself through my shorts with my free hand. I hissed at my reaction. At the way I jerked for more. I’d never been so fucking hard. So ready to come with a single stroke. “Just the mere thought of being with someone who isn’t you turns me as useless as a eunuch. Your father used that word the night he told you to stop fantasising about marrying me. I looked it up because I didn’t know what it meant. All my power. All my just vanishes. I can’t keep it up. I go soft—”

“You’ve never—”

“Never. I’m twenty-fucking-one years old and I’ve never been with a—”

Her lips shut me up.

She threw herself on me...


I snapped.

Shoving her against the car door, the metal twang of its protest rang around us as our mouths crashed and our tongues hunted. As quickly as our kiss back in the bar had gone straight to hell, this one went far past it.

This one drove us into the depths of brimstone and perversion.

I forgot who I was.

I forgot to be gentle and respectful and kind.

I grabbed fistfuls of her hair and held her tight, plunging my tongue into her mouth, swallowing her moans, drinking her gasps.

She fought me just as wildly.

Her teeth nipped at my lips, her leg came up and wrapped around my thigh.

It wasn’t enough.

Dropping my hands from her hair, I grabbed her waist and shoved her up the car. When she matched my height, I slammed her against the door again, panting as her legs locked around my hips, shoving her sundress up, and giving me access to her heat.

I saw stars.

I saw death.

I thrust my denim-clad cock against her, unable to stop.

Her hands shot up my t-shirt.

Her fingernails scraped along my spine.

Her head tipped back as she gasped for air, and I fell on her neck.

I licked and bit. I sucked and claimed.

And my hips never stopped thrusting.
