Page 123 of Haunted

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“So if you did go back,thenhe’d know?”


“And you like him.”

“That doesn’t sound like a question.”

“That’s because it wasn’t. Come on, you wouldn’t be getting into all these knots if you didn’t.”

“Okay, fine. Yes, I like him.”

And there lay the heart of the matter. Sol knew it wouldn’t take much to shift the balance fromliketo something a whole lot more complex.

“So that’s the dilemma.” He couldn’t miss the note of triumph in her voice. “You think if he sees what goes on in your life, he’ll run a mile.”

He lapsed into silence.

Alli heaved a sigh. “Okay, here are my thoughts. I can see three levels to this situation. Number one. You want to accept this invitation becauseduh, this is what you do. But that would entail revealing all to High School Guy.”

Sol said nothing. She was doing a pretty good job so far, all on her own.

“Number two. You want to go back to help him get rid of some of his baggage, and that’s probably more of a reason to go than number one.”

“So what’s the third level?”

“That’s easy. You want to see him again, but you just don’t want to admit it.”

Well fuck. Am Ithateasy to read?

Sol coughed. “I thoughtIwas the one with a degree in psychology.”

“You want to know whatIthink is the best way forward? Go with your gut. What is it telling you?”

Go back to Salvation. Like, yesterday.

That wasnotfor sharing.

“By the way… I know I acted all shocked when you first confessed—”

“‘Confessed’? That makes it sound as if I was ashamed of the way I live.”

“And you’re not. I know that. Bad choice of word on my part. But I wasn’t allthatshocked. I’ve read stuff, you know?”

“I dread to think what.” Opinions in the media varied from BDSM being deviant behavior to a sign of mental illness.

Yeah right.Some of the kinksters Sol was acquainted with were the most well-adjusted people he’d ever met.

“Plus, there’s something you don’t know, and it has to do with your nephew.”

“Which one?” Alli had two boys, except they were hardly that anymore: Luke was twenty-eight and Jem was twenty-four.

“Jem. He and I got into this huge discussion over the weekend.”

“Is he okay?” Sol knew it was wrong to have favorites, but he’d always had a soft spot for Jem. Luke was the jock of the two, whereas Jem was like his mom, artistic and creative.

“He’s fine. What got us talking was me noticing a piece of jewelry I hadn’t seen before. A chain he wears around his neck, with a little padlock at the front.”

Hoo boy.
