Page 15 of Auctioned Mate

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His thumb traced my chin. His eyelids grew heavy, pupils blowing so wide as to take over the vivid tawny-blond irises.

“W-what are you doing…?”

Celestial white emanated from his gaze. “I can’t think when you talk so much.”

Honey coated my limbs, warm and insufferably delicious like his regard. Voices like that belonged to otherworldly beings. This one in particular seemed to want to touch me, and his touch carried an assurance that he wouldn’t keep doing it unless I wanted him to keep doing it.

Which I did.


I melted like butter on top of an oven. I was helpless to it, completely lost to the fact that I was feeling something I had rarely if ever felt in my life. Never did I think I would experience it. Never had I anticipated such a thing once my mother had abandoned me and Percy had taken me under his wing. Teenage me would have fought tooth and nail to get away from Juriah.

But the feeling persisted. The sensation of it took over my limbs, edging toward my center and filling me up.

I feltsafe.

Without hesitation, I closed my eyes. Calm washed over me like that first step into a hot bath. Bath salt cured my skin, rubbing away the dead flakes and the dirt. Hot steam soothed my muscles and scrubbed me clean of the dread I had been carrying since I walked through the back door.

“That’s it,” Juriah encouraged. “You have nothing to fear. You may do as you wish with me, Macy. I won’t oppose.”

Anything I wished? He had to be joking. He had to be setting me up for seduction. Yet the more I fought his influence, the less I felt like I could control my body. Whatever was happening was going to happen whether I could control it or not.

And while that frightened me to my core, it also excited me.

Nobody felt dangerous like this. I mean, in the past, Rick had once given me this kind of thrill. He had toyed with me, threatened me, even tied me up at one point for some kinky fun. But it was never something like this. It had never felt so safe despite its danger.

My lips parted to speak. Words came up from the depths, totally unabashed. Totally unlike me to everfeelunabashed, so how in the world could my words do that? How could sentences form without them popping into my head first?

“It’s alright, Macy.”

And I knew that. And yet I didn’t know that. And I wasn’t sure how any of that made sense.

With my eyes closed and my heart pounding, I let one of those sentences float freely from me, trying not to mind what the answer might bring. “What the hell are you, mister?”

Chapter 7 - Juriah

Heat gushed from Macy as I held her chin steady and retained touch with her lips. Nothing startled me more than the way she’d given in to me—and the way I wanted to have my way with her. My mind flipped around from one moral implication to another while I tried to keep up with my companions.

Their inquiries had grown loud in the past few seconds.

Report, Izdor insisted.Please, tell me you’ve found a way out that isn’t the front door.

Galanthia chimed in with,Barkeep mentioned rear exit.

When?I asked. I swallowed the impulse to ignore my friends and continued mentally,I thought he would have said something while I was there.

He seemed to like my chest when I showed it to him, Galanthia replied.

Chaos exploded in my mind as Izdor said,Yeah, she flashed him.

What is flashing?I inquired, and then retracted my question.Never mind that. The hallways back here are a maze, and we have a bigger problem.

A bigger problem, indeed, considering the problem was growing bigger by the second in my pants.

Macy appeared serene. My authority in this realm wasn’t too shabby. Estaria women wouldn’t have been as susceptible to my charm as Macy. And at the same time, I felt wretched for influencing her in the slightest.

She was nervous, I reasoned, and then realized that my thought had been broadcast to my friends. It seemed a waste of effort to retract it, so I simply proceeded,I can perform another glamor to guard us so we can sneak out the back. Meet us in the alleyway.
