Page 155 of Relentless

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I can’t help but bark out a laugh.

“Bro, you have always fucking been that,” I tell him happily as I reach for the bottle and fill both our glasses. “But if you’re looking for advice from someone who doesn’t have a fucking clue how relationships work, then maybe he’d say that it’s not too late.”

“She’s practically fucking JD up there,” he complains, pain etched into every inch of his face.

“Didn’t stop you from getting involved earlier,” I quip.

“You’re a sick fuck for watching.” He grunts, tugging at his pants again.

I shrug despite the fact his attention clearly isn’t trained on me. “Been called worse. You know she wouldn’t turn you away if you went over there right now and dragged her from him. There’s a good chance that all of that,” I say, waving my hand in their direction, “is all for your benefit anyway. She wants you. Fuck knows why, but she does.”

Finally, he rips his eyes away and stares right at me.

“That hurts, doesn’t it?”

“What does?”

“That she wants me over you.”

“I don’t give a fuck who she wants,” I say, praying he doesn’t hear the lie.

“That’s bullshit and we both know it. I remember that summer in her backyard. You were watching her like she was the only girl on the planet.”

“We were kids.”

“So? Not everything changes. You want her, and I was the one who got her.” He laughs bitterly. “I guess that explains a lot.”

“The fuck are you talking about?”

“It doesn’t matter,” he says, throwing his whiskey back and swallowing thickly, his eyes back on them. “At some point, I was going to win something. And I am more than okay with it being Alana. You claim your town, take control and do what you want. That woman up there,” he says, nodding at her, “she’s mine.”

“Doesn’t look like it right now,” I tease.

“We’re all allowed a bit of fun. But at the end of the day, it’s my ring she’s wearing and my name she uses. The rest is white noise.”

“If you say so,” I mutter, crossing my arms over my chest and spreading my thighs as I focus on them kissing again.

Alana has completely lost her shirt now, dancing in only her tiny panties as if she doesn’t have a care in the world.

It’s a lie, we all know that. But watching her right now helps me to believe that maybe there is something good to come out of all this.

“You think she’s yours?” I taunt. “You need to prove it.”



“Can you feel their eyes on you, little dove?” JD groans in my ear as he grinds his aching dick against my ass.

The rain continues to pound down on our bodies. My skin is cold, every raindrop like a razor cutting me, but inside I’m burning. My blood is racing through my veins like lava.

“Yeah,” I whisper. I might not have my eyes open, but I know they’re watching. My skin tingles with their attention.

I shouldn’t have let JD drag his shirt from my body, but I was powerless to stop him. The cool air and the rain feel too good against me.

“They want to join,” he muses.

“They’re welcome to.”
