Page 25 of Spook's Possession

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She giggled. “Stop.”

“I’m s-serious. I walk around with a hard-on m-m-most of the time.”

She shook her head, grinning, before she kissed me.

“I love,” she faltered, sucking in a breath as she blushed, “I mean, I, uh,” she blurted, shaking her head. “Shit.”

I set her on her feet, raising both hands to cradle her face. “I love you, Heather.”

“You do?”

Her breathless question was adorable.

“Truly. M-madly. Deeply.”

“Isn’t that a song lyric or quote or something?”

I shook my head. “Nah, I made it up j-j-just for you.”

She snorted. “You’re the best boyfriend, even if you’re clueless sometimes.”

“I’m n-not just a fuck b-b-buddy?” I asked, pretending to be shocked.

She smacked me on the arm again. “Stop. You know you’re more than that to me.”

Exactly what I wanted to hear. “Good, babe.”

She arched a brow.

“I mean, I’d s-say you’re not just a f-fuck buddy to me, but I’m so obsessed w-w-with your p-perfect pussy I don’t think I could t-tell a lie.”

Heather’s head tilted back, and deep, beautiful laughter tumbled from her sweet, sexy lips. She couldn’t stop giggling for several minutes. “Oh, Country. You make my heart sing.”

“You make mine b-beat and have a purpose.”

The humor in her eyes disappeared, replaced with such deep emotion and love I almost stumbled backward. Was it silly? A little cheesy? Yeah, so what? We deserved to be young and carefree when life let us seize the moment.

“Where have you been?” she asked, resting her head over my heart. “I’ve waited my whole life to meet you.”

“Just b-breathing, making my way to y-y-you.”

“Wow.” Abby’s voice caught us both by surprise. “I don’t think I’ve ever met two people who were meant to be together like you guys.”

Micah swallowed loudly, joining us as he stood next to Abby. “The real deal,” he agreed, glancing at the blonde on his right.

My arms wrapped tighter around Heather, and I held her close for the remainder of the night, hoping fate would give us more time. I knew I didn’t have forever. I’d always known the shit hand life had dealt me meant I wouldn’t ever get a happily ever after.

Didn’t stop me from wishing for it.

But in the back of my mind lingered the thought that my enemies had stayed silent far too long and, at some point, the past would catch up to my present.

When it did, I didn’t have a clue what price I would have to pay to ensure the girl I loved remained safe.
