Page 27 of Spook's Possession

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Ugh. I hated being calledbaby. It sounded so condescending.

Babewas fine as an endearment, butbabymade me want to claw out eyeballs from their sockets.

Damn. I had to be close to my period. I was cranky as hell.

“Don’t you have anything else to do?”

“Nope. Strict instructions, honey. I stay by your side.”

I officially hatedhoney, too.

My middle finger lifted as I flipped him off and headed across the street, hoping Abby wasn’t busy. The front door was locked, and I used my key to enter the house, finding it empty.

Abby and her mother had given me access many years ago and never cared how often I let myself in. They were the second half of my family unit. I thought it was complete until I met Country. Now, he made it perfect.

Harley engines snared my attention as I ran outside, pausing to relock Abby’s front door, and headed into the street to greet my father. He knew something was up the second his bike rolled to a stop in front of me.

“What is it, Sweet Pea?”

My Uncle Hale joined us, followed by Micah.

“Country wasn’t at school today.” I shook my head, pressing on my stomach. “I have the worst feeling in my gut.”

A few Royal Bastards were with my family. Wraith, Rael, Patriot, Bodie, and Diablo parked their bikes in front of the house, waiting as they listened to our conversation.

“Micah?” my dad asked, turning to my cousin.

“He wouldn’t miss a day unless he was sick or hurt. That boy doesn’t skip school or miss a chance to see Heather.”

“Agreed,” my Uncle Hale added.

“He hasn’t been sick.” I shook my head. “Something bad has happened.”

My dad knew to trust my gut. I could always tell when one of them was hurt or unwell. I sensed it. Even the other guys in the club experienced my weird instincts and learned to believe in them.

Tears filled my eyes, and I didn’t bother to hide them. “You need to find Country. Now.” A few tears slipped down my cheeks. “He doesn’t have a lot of time.”

If he had a phone, I would have blown him up all day until he answered. But Country didn’t use one, and I never thought to ask before now. He always seemed to be around. I took that for granted before today.

“Please be okay,” I whispered as my father gestured for Micah to take me into the house.I love you.


Cold wind bit into the back of my neck as I shivered, wrapping my jean jacket tighter around my body. The hoodie I wore underneath didn’t stop the chill or prevent the freezing air from whipping around my face.

My footsteps quickened as I crossed the street, keeping to the shadows as I headed toward the shelter where I spent most of my nights—at least the ones where I attempted to sleep.

Last week, Micah caught me dozing on the front porch of their house and ushered me inside, telling me to crash in his room. The first night, I rested without a knife in my hand in months.

I never told Heather where I lived or offered to bring her to my place. How could I? I didn’t have shit and barely managed to shower, get my laundry clean and eat each day. Everything I owned was in my fucking backpack. If Micah hadn’t figured it out and offered to let me crash in his room as often as I wanted and do my laundry in the basement, I would have been screwed. He told me to raid the fridge, too. To my shame, I took him up on his offer without a way to pay him, Hale, or Macon back for their generosity.

With a soft sigh, I approached the doors of the shelter, reaching for the handle and turning the knob. Locked.Fuck.I must have stayed out later than I realized. The lady who owned this public shelter warned me she would close early tonight.

Well, I guess I had to find someplace else to get warm. The temperature had dropped a good twenty degrees since the afternoon, and I couldn’t just sleep in the park on a bench like last week. I felt guilty for staying at Micah and Heather’s so often, or I would head over now.

Pulling the hoodie tighter around my face, I spun around, heading back into the shadows. Most of the shops were closed, so I couldn’t find a reprieve from the weather in any of the buildings. There were a couple of gas stations and an Urgent Care facility if I got desperate enough.

My hands ached, but I shoved them farther into my pockets as I kept moving, knowing the body heat generated would help keep the chill at bay. I walked for over half an hour before I ended up entering a twenty-four grocery so I could thaw my fingers and toes.
