Page 15 of Bragg's Match

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Ashlyn moves to stand in front of the rear exit. She crosses her arms over her chest and raises an eyebrow in challenge. Dang it. Ashlyn’s seven inches taller than me. There’s no way I can escape with her around.

I make my way to the temporary bar instead. Maybe if I drink enough wine, I won’t want to attack the next person who claims Brody is my match.

Have they not met him? Brody is most definitely not my match.

Chapter 6

Do not give Brody tequila. ~ Message from Peace on the Winter Falls Facebook page


“Are you ready to lose your undies?” I ask when I enter Elder’s house for our monthly Bragg poker night.

My brothers – Riley, Miller, and Elder as well as my half-brother Peace – are already here. Our oldest brother, Damon, is missing since he didn’t move to Winter Falls when the rest of us relocated here from our hometown of San Diego. Which is probably for the best since Damon is a total fuddy-duddy.

Miller snorts. “Our undies?”

“Oops! I forgot. Big brother grump thinks wearing underwear will shrink his tiny dick and make it even smaller.”

Miller growls as he steps toward me. I chuckle and hide behind Riley. “You’re my twin. You have to save me.”

Riley pushes me away. “There are no rules about saving my twin when he’s being an idiot and poking the bear.”

I tap my chin as I pretend to study Miller’s appearance. “Miller does kind of remind me of a bear.”

Miller smirks. “At least this bear is getting some on the regular, unlike some boys.”

I ignore his dig at my age. “Tell us more. Does Eden enjoy it when you tie her up?”

Miller steps toward me and I cackle. He’s too easy to rile up. It’s not a challenge. I need a challenge. I glance around the room.

Elder wags his finger at me. “Don’t you dare start with me. I’m not in the mood.”

“Ah. What’s wrong, big brother? Does Billy the goat not love you anymore? Poor guy.”

Elder’s wife, Harmony, is a total animal nut. She works at the Wildlife Refuge outside of town. She also keeps three dogs and a goat as pets. The goat and Elder do not get along. Probably because the goat French kissed Elder at their initial meeting and my brother isn’t one to let a thing such as an uninvited kiss go.

“Billy the goat likes me just fine.”

I clutch my chest. “But he doesn’t love you anymore. I’m sorry for your heartbreak.”

Elder smirks. “Speaking of heartbreak, how are things with Soleil going?”

I feign nonchalance. “Fine. She gave me my own room. Unlike my flesh and blood brother who made me sleep on the couch.”

“Because you were supposed to find your own place to live and not camp out on my sofa for your entire life.”

“Yeah, bro,” Riley adds. “Maybe you should get a real job. Where you earn real money. Money to pay rent.”

Miller grunts in agreement.

I swallow my scowl. I have a real job. In fact, I have my own company. My own company with a net worth of several million dollars.

But my brothers don’t know about my company. And I’m not telling them until I’ve made a success of it. But when I do? I’m going to rub it into their faces. I can’t wait.

“I thought you had a job as a computer programmer,” Peace says and I want to hug him. I won’t, but I want to.

Riley snorts. “He ‘freelances’, which basically means he’s lazy and doesn’t want a job to tie him down.”
