Page 81 of Bragg's Match

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Elder:If you have money, why were you mooching off of me?

Riley:And now he’s mooching off of Soleil.

Damon:He has the trust fund money from Dad, remember?

Brody:I’m not using my trust fund money.

Damon:Then what money are you using?

Peace:You better not be stealing money from people’s bank accounts.

Brody:Where the hell would you get such an idea? I’m not a thief.

Peace:And you didn’t try to break into the library.

Brody:This conversation is dumb. I have things to do.

Riley:How’s the shed construction coming?

Damon:Hold on. Catch me up. Brody is building a shed? Brody who thinks pliers are for removing toenails?

Brody:I was five!

Elder:He’s trying to impress his sugar mamma by replacing her pottery shed that burned down.

Brody:Soleil is not my sugar mamma!

Riley:He downloaded plans from the internet and is now convinced he’s Bob the Builder. It’s actually quite cute.

Brody:I’m a man. I’m handsome, not cute.

Miller:You keep telling yourself that.

Peace:I keep my radio on 24/7 so I won’t miss the call when he accidentally cuts off his foot.

Brody:Statistically, I’m more likely to cut off a finger than my foot.

Peace:Good to know. A finger is easier to replace.

Damon:I need to visit Winter Falls.

Brody:You should move here.

Damon:I have a life in San Diego.

Brody:A life that includes a significant other?

Damon:Gotta go.

Damon has left the conversation.

Miller:I’m out of here.

Brody:Work is calling.

Riley:What work????

Chapter 27
