Page 84 of The Bratva's Bride

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“Benjamin pleeeeeease, I’ll explain it to him, I promiiiiiise. I’ll even let him know I took your phone and prevented you from telling him. Just please let me do it pleeeeeease!” I desperately begged at this point, almost to where I would be willing to get down on my knees for extra added effect. It was kind of pathetic, but I didn’t care right now.


Without an ounce of hesitation, I took a cheap blow to Benjamin, sending him to the ground in pain with a swift punch to his family jewels. “Sorry!” I apologized with a half genuine smile before facing Nikolai with a sheepish grin. “Anh, honey, baby, you’re back.”

Great, smooth one Angel, real smooth. Now he’s definitely going to know something is up.

His face immediately flattened at my words. “What did you do?” He sighed heavily, running a hand down his face, probably wondering what kind of damage control he had to do. “And why did you cockshot Benjamin?”

“Nothing, nothing, just glad you’re back.” Although, the look he gave me told me he wasn’t buying my bullshit. “Uh so, quick question: how much did you love your Aston Martin? Like love love to where if even a scratch gets on it you’ll be heartbroken? Or like yeah I love it and it’s my favorite but eh?”

Letting out a long sigh, he settled a hand on his hips. “Am I going to need a fucking drink?” He asked with another heavy sigh as he rubbed his temples with his other hand.

“Uhh... Noooo..? Maybe?” I drew out my answer while rolling back and forth on the balls of my feet.

“Nikolai, she—omphf! Sonofabitch!” Benjamin groaned in pain when I cut him off with another kick to his crotch.

“If I go into the garage, will the car be there?” Nikolai looked as if he was ready to answer that question himself with how he turned his body towards the hallway. But the silence from Benjamin and me also gave him the answer.

“Lisichka, I am only going to give you one chance to tell me what happened. Don’t beat around the bush.” I knew by the tone of his voice that a second chance meant my ass getting belted later tonight with no mercy.

Nervously, I chuckled, fiddling with my fingers as I struggled with the words. “Umm... It’s uhhh... So uhh funny story, it kinda... Blew up... Like ka-boom blew up...” Hopefully Nikolai wasn’t some die-hard for his cars.

“What do you mean blew up? Honey, a seven-hundred-thousand dollar car doesn’t just blow up.” He started to look like he regretted not getting a drink, and he probably should regret that decision given the news.

“Like I said, funny story.” The glaring look from Nikolai cut my nervous chuckle short, “I was just getting out of my doctor’s appointment, and then boom.”

It really was that simple. Benjamin and I left the house a little while after Nikolai and his brothers left, got some lunch, visited my father, then went to my doctor’s appointment. Bao hasn’t gotten the details back to me yet, but I know it was some kind of bomb, because the car literally blew up just as I left the hospital with Benjamin flanking me. It was a huge pain in the ass to make sure the authorities weren’t called in and the whole thing was covered up from the media.

“Are you okay? You weren’t close to the blast were you?” The concern replaced his disbelief as he grabbed me with both hands and gave me a quick once over.

“I’m fine. Benjamin and I were a good distance from the blast, not even a speck of dust on us.” Luckily both of us escaped unscathed by some grace of God or whatever was out there.

“Why didn’t I hear about this until now? Where’s the car now? Is anyone looking into this?” His eyes bounced between Benjamin—who was still on the floor—and me.

Chuckling sheepishly, I gave him a cheeky, lopsided smile. “Because I didn’t want to freak you out, so I didn’t let Benjamin call you by taking his phone... But uhh I called Bao and my men, they’re going to pick it apart and see exactly what kind of bomb it was and what not. We did damage control already so don’t worry. Just, sorry about the car...” Well, at least he didn’t seem too hung up about the car, thankfully.

Sighing as if he was relieved, he ran a hand through his tousled hair. “Lisichka, I don’t give a damn about the car, I can just get a new one. I can’t get a new wife or friend though. Just, I’d rather hear from one of you if something happened and not from the hospital or the damn news or some cops.”

“Benjamin’s not going to be in trouble? I mean, I took his phone and refused to let him contact you or tell you.” Job or not, I butted in when I probably wasn’t supposed to.

“I think the two hits he took from you is enough punishment, just quit interfering with his joblisichka, please.” Nikolai sighed tiredly.

Letting out a heavy breath, he hugged me tightly, stroking my hair and kissing the top of my head. “When will we hear back from Bao?” He asked in a tired voice.

“Soon, he and his sister are picking it apart as we speak. But enough about what happened with me. You’re okay right?” He looked fairly okay, just some scrapes by the looks of it, nothing major that required immediate attention.

Chuckling softly, he pulled away a little to kiss my forehead. “Yes, it’s going to take a lot more than some amateur gunmen to take me down.” But one stray bullet or a lucky shot was all it could take to kill Nikolai, amateur or not. “Let me get cleaned up real quick, then I have something to show you.”

Rolling my eyes, I lightly smacked his hard chest. “Well now I feel like shit for getting your car blown up if you’re giving me something.” Did I forget something? Definitely wasn’t an anniversary, not a holiday either. So, why the gift?

“Don’t worry, this is... A belated marriage present.” As if that would make me feel any better because not like I gave or got him anything. But now I would have to think of something. Maybe I’ll replace his car. Seven-hundred thousand was a shit ton of money, but I had the funds for it. Or at the very least I had the means—illegally—to obtain those six figures.

“But your doctor’s appointment went well? Nothing wrong? Did they figure out why you’ve been so fatigued lately?” He looked down at me with worried eyes while waiting for my response.

Giving him the best—fake—reassuring smile possible, I looked up at him, “Just the stress. Also, just because I got put on this new birth control, so it's my body is trying to adjust to it.”

I couldn’t tell him the truth.

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