Page 13 of Sold to the Enemy

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“Why did you save me? Why didn’t you just let me die? Why do you continue to protect an enemy of your people?”

Gripping her hair by the nape of her neck, he lifted her off his lap then and threw her down on the bed, so that she landed on her back. He wasn’t gentle or kind about kicking her legs wide open with his knees as he unbuttoned his slacks.

His cock came into view then and she licked her lips, remembering the taste of it on her tongue. He climbed over her, gathering her wrists in one of his hands and holding them over her head. The head of his shaft pressed against her entrance for a very short moment before his hips surged forward, claiming her in one powerful swoop.

Crying at the roughness of it, Aubrie quivered as her pussy tensed and fought to accommodate his massive girth but he didn’t give her time to adjust. Instead, he took her hard and fast, meeting little resistance with how wet she was after her spanking.

Her wrists bound by his touch and his other hand on her waist, she moaned at his mastery of her. His cock felt like velvet-encased iron, taking her without mercy as he fucked her. She rocked her hips in tune with his, groaning as he took her, claimed her as his.

“Why didn’t you let me die?” she pressed, her voice husky with her lust.

He bent down then, his lips devouring her as though she was a delectable dessert that he couldn’t get enough of. She kissed him back, rolling her hips, taking him deeper than before. With the plug in her bottom, she felt fuller than ever and it made his massive cock seem even bigger.

“Why do you care?”

He pulled back then and stared into her eyes. “Because I love you, woman. You’re mine.”

“You can’t mean that, Edagon. You can’t,” she argued, her voice shaking.

He snaked his hands under her armpits and lifted her up, so that he held her weight in his arms. Bouncing her up and down on his cock, he grinned as she moaned, losing all ability to speak.

One of his hands ventured in between her thighs, pressing against her clit, circling it and owning it as she shook with need. The slow and steady simmer of passion came to a full blaze in that moment, as he kissed her, claiming every single part of her as his. His tongue ventured in between her lips, caressing hers as he pumped his cock in and out of her.

Every muscle in her body tensed as she screamed with her lust. She wound her arms around his neck, holding on for dear life as she felt herself hurtling toward the edge of a cliff and into a deep, dark pleasurable abyss. Her eyes rolled back into her head and she panted as the knot inside her core squeezed tighter and tighter.

“Come,” he said and that single word shattered her.

She trembled with her orgasm, her body burning red hot as she struggled to draw a breath into her lungs. He pinched her clit then, and she felt her body fracture, rolling from one orgasm to the next. She lost control of herself, allowing him to dictate how long and how many times he would grant her release. It was glorious.

His hand squeezed her punished bottom and she shivered, remembering his alpha nature to take her in hand. Lost in her euphoria, she trembled as he took her as he pleased. He groaned in her ear and she hugged him close, feeling his muscles tighten with his own release. The moment his hot seed spurted deep inside her, her vision darkened as a third and final orgasm tore through her.

Her fingers scraped against his back as she held on for dear life, as his cock caressed her insides, stroking her to completion. When the last tendrils of her orgasm left her shaking, he held her close, almost as if he’d known she’d be unable to support herself.

Exhaustion won over her as he placed a chaste kiss on her lips.

“I mean it. I love you, sweet human. You’d do well to remember that.”

“I love you too,” she murmured quietly as sleep claimed her then. And she meant it too.


The next morning, Edagon woke with his human still asleep in his arms. He watched her delicate features as she slept, her wavy chestnut locks cascading down her back, her long eyelashes twitching with her dreams and her plump pink lips just begging for him to kiss her. She was so strong, so very strong that it woke something deep inside him.

He had meant what he said the night before. The moment that man had raised his gun in her direction, he had seen red. He had wanted to rip the man’s head from his shoulders right where he stood, but instead, for Aubrie’s sake, he had simply used his UX756, a device meant to debilitate and paralyze his enemies. It had taken more self-control then he had thought he had.

The humans had no defense against it. They had probably not even known of its existence in the Venassathi arsenal. The humans didn’t know a lot of things actually.

He sighed. He didn’t particularly enjoy killing anyone and he didn’t like seeing anyone die needlessly. Especially ignorant humans sending their troops to the slaughter.

Furrowing his head, he rolled over gently, racking his brain for a solution. He had to know more. He had to know why Earth had senselessly sent Aubrie and her soldiers to almost certain death. He had to know why they thought it necessary to kill her.

As quietly as he could, he left the bed and made sure she didn’t stir in his absence. Pulling on a pair of jeans, he went to his office, opening up his own personal command center. He punched a few directives into the holographic screen with his fingers and heard the sounds of his printer come to life. Then he pulled up a few files his own intelligence had gathered on the current leader of Earth, President Rayne.

He was not surprised to see that there was much suspicion of the man’s dirty politics and how deep his corruption had furrowed. There was mention of his greed and how if certain members of society contributed to his campaign funds, they were suddenly given certain special privileges, such as space on interstellar space stations. He printed all that too. Anything of interest, he collected, intent on finding out the truth.

After he finished gathering information, he designed a unique set of clothing. In a matter of moments, he had a Venassathi military uniform in his hands, black and gray, except designed in the shape of a certain little human female. After a quick inspection, he deemed that it was well executed and would fit her body perfectly. Second, he picked up the files he had gathered and made his way back to the bedroom.

He strode back into the bedroom to see his pretty vixen blinking awake. The flushed look on her face made him want to ravish her in bed all day, but he had more pressing matters to attend to and he needed her fully clothed in order to do so.
