Page 25 of Ruthless Vows

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“Not the kind of relationship I’d get into.” I should put more distance between us, break the tension still shimmering heavily in the air, but Ican’t. I want to be closer to him, not further away.

“And what kind of relationship would you be interested in?” Finn’s voice is deceptively smooth, but I can hear something else under the words. Something that warns me off like an alarm bell—not because I think he’s being deceptive, but because the thought of him wanting something more than this—

“One where I’m in charge, and walking away a little richer at the end of the night,” I say it almost flippantly, like a joke, throwing up every fucking wall that I can in order to keep this from spiraling even more out of my control.

He looks at me for a long moment, then lets out a slow breath. “I think I got everything I needed for tonight,” he says finally. “I’ll go ahead and go.”

“Are you sure about that?” I take a step forward, my hand settling on his belt, very close to where I know he’s hard and aching for me. “Everythingyou need?”

Finn swallows, and I can feel him tense again under my touch. “Everything I think you’re going to be willing to give me,” he says softly. And then he steps back, out of my reach again. “I’ll leave you my number, in case you change your mind about the offer.”

“The offer of a job? Or—” I leave the word hanging, teasing, because I havenointention of taking him up on his other offer.Not even a little bit.

“The job.” Finn’s voice has gone flat, as if he’s gotten tired of the game. “You can call me anytime if you change your mind, Asha. At least until we find some other way of dealing with the problem.”

And then he turns, striding out of the room before I can say another word.

I stand there for a long moment, my pulse throbbing through my veins, my heart racing. It feels as if he’s taken all of the air in the room with him, leaving me weak-kneed and aching with desire in a way that I haven’t in such a long time, a specific desire forhim. One that I can’t possibly indulge in.

It’s tempting to take the edge off there, in the room, with all the toys and aids at my disposal I could possibly need. But I find myself wanting to wait, feeling that sweet burn of desire for a little while longer until I get home, and take the same toy out of the drawer that I’d used that first night that I saw him, when I was imagining what his cock might look like.

I’d guessed pretty well. I set the toy down on the bed, my heart pounding with an excitement that’s almost unfamiliar to me by now, imagining Finn there on the bed instead of the silicone substitute, still fully dressed, his fingers stroking the ridge pressed against his fly from the outside of his pants.

I can hear his voice in my head, that thick Irish burr, and I can imagine him telling me to strip for him. The t-shirt first—let me see those pretty breasts, Asha, good girl—and then his low, husky voice telling me to undo my jeans, to push them slowly down my hips, until I’m entirely bare for his hungry gaze, his fingers idly undoing his buttons as if he has all the time in the world to savor me while I stand there for his pleasure.

Touch yourself while I watch.I can almost see him there, envision those blue eyes sliding down my bare skin as I obey, brushing my fingers over my nipples as I tease them to hard points, twisting and plucking at the sensitive flesh as shivers of arousal prickle over my skin.Don’t tease me, Asha; you know what I want to see.

It shouldn’t turn me on. That sort of thingdoesn’tturn me on, almost never—but when I slide my hand down my stomach, down between my thighs as I stand at the edge of my own bed, imagining Finn in it, giving me orders, I find myself soaking wet already. My fingers slide through the slick heat, gathered between my folds as I rub my fingers over my clit with a gasp, and hear Finn’s reproving voice from the bed.

Not so fast, Asha. You didn’t let me come so quickly, did you? You’re going to find out what it feels like to want to beg.

I close my eyes, moaning as I force myself to slow the pace of my fingers. Dimly, I hear myself asking why the fuck I’m doing this, why I’m fantasizing about my own torment when I’m here in my bedroom alone, free to please myself however I choose, at whatever pace I’d like. I’d turned down Finn’s offer of this earlier, the promise of a real touch on my skin, real pleasure from someone else, and yet I’m imagining it anyway, forcing my fingers to brush over my clit at a maddening pace as I look at the toy on the bed and wait for my fantasy to tell me to slip it inside of myself.

I can imagine Finn letting his shirt fall open, revealing that muscled chest dusted in soft copper hair, the darkening line of it sliding down beneath his belt, teasing a path to the cock that I’m suddenly desperate to see. I imagine his palm sliding over that thick ridge again, his eyebrow rising mockingly as he sees my gaze drift to it.You want this cock, don’t you? You know just how good it’s going to feel. Be a good girl and ask to see it, Asha.

“Yes,” I whisper aloud to the empty air, my fingers circling my throbbing clit, feeling myself clench with empty need as I look at the thick toy, wanting it inside of me. “Let me see your cock, please.”

I moan aloud at the imagined sight of him undoing his belt, sliding his zipper down, hand sliding into his boxers to wrap around his shaft and slide it free, all that thick length visible, pre-cum pearling at the tip, making the piercing there glimmer in the bedside light.Do you want a taste? You’ll have to ask for it.

“Oh god—yes, please—” I whisper, my hips arching into my hand, that whisper in the back of my head still wondering what the hell has gotten into me. I crawl onto the bed, imagining myself between Finn’s legs, leaning down to brush my lips over his cockhead. I reach for the toy and slide my lips around it, getting the tip wet as if I really need it. I’m drenched, my fingers soaked, my inner thighs sticky with it as I grind against my fingers. “Let me—oh god, please let me use it,please—”

I’d never say these things aloud to Finn himself. I tell myself that, insisting it as I bring the hard tip of the toy to my clit, rolling my hips against it as I rub it back and forth, imagining that it’s the swollen, warm touch of his flesh instead, that piercing bumping against my clit with every pass. It would feel so fucking good—god,I want to know what it would feel like. I hold the toy hard at the base, grinding into it until it’s so slick that it slips inside of me without meaning to, and I go very still, imagining the look on Finn’s face.

Bad girl, taking what you want without asking.I imagine his hips rocking beneath me subtly, rubbing that thick, swollen head just inside of me, teasing me with the promise of more.Beg for it all, and maybe I won’t take it away. Maybe I’ll give you every fucking inch.

“Please—” I breathe aloud into the empty air, sliding against the hard toy, aching to take more of it inside of me. “Please fuck me,please—”

I can’t take it any longer, and in the fantasy in my mind, neither can he. Those strong, long-fingered hands grab my hips, dragging me down onto the shaft. I roll onto my back, imagining him pinning me down, the hard slam of his almost too-thick cock into me again and again, driving into me as deeply as he can go. I imagine his hand on my breast, sliding up to my throat, pinning me against the pillows as he fucks me hard, groaning my name—

My fingers swirl over my clit, my other hand slamming the toy into my pussy as I imagine him over me, pushing my legs backward, angling himself deeper still, and I cry out as my entire body suddenly tightens before I can think of whether I’m ready to come or not, clenching hard around the toy as I cry out, hips bucking upwards as I come hard, my entire body shuddering with a bone-deep pleasure. In my head, I hear him groaning, too, feeling the hot rush of his cum as his cock throbs inside of me, his body rocking against mine as he loses control, too.

It’s not until I start to come down from the pleasure, still slowly stroking the toy in and out of myself to draw it out, that I realize I cried out his name at the end.

I snatch the toy out of myself, tossing it aside on the bed as I sit up, clenching my teeth hard against a sudden wave of emotion that feels very much like anger.No one should have this kind of power over me,I think acidly, swallowing hard.No one should be able to make me fantasize about them like this.I didn’t even do this with Nikolai. I didn’t go home at night and pick out a toy and fuck it, imagining that it was him. But then again, I didn’t have to—because, more often than not, I was in his bed.

Finn is offering that. But what he makes me feel—

I know how dangerous that is. And I know that spending any more time with him, job or not, at the club or not—is a bad idea.
