Page 20 of Spark

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“That’s Lexy. Come on.” She’s out the door so quickly I growl.

The car is hidden, and Mercy approaches them from a different angle, so I sit and watch before giving my presence away. As far as her sister knows, she came alone, and that may work to our advantage.

Once they enter the warehouse, I creep out of the car and make my way to a window to watch and listen. My eyes flare when I see all the exports kept in this place.

“Fucking bitch,” I hiss when I realize this must have been where my cars were kept.

Five fucking blocks from my own warehouse. I’ll be taking that out on her ass later. I shake off my thoughts and pay attention to the activity in front of me. I can’t hear shit, so I watch their body language.

A door opens to the far right of the woman arguing, and I frown, drawing my gun because Mercy doesn’t see Gabriel coming up behind her. I move to a different window, so I have a clear shot of the bastard.

Mercy spins and slugs him in the face, and all hell breaks loose.

“FUCK!” I break the window and jump inside, making my way closer to the fight.

“MERCEDES! STOP!” Lexy screams as two men overtake Mercy.

“You always were a fucking crazy bitch. I’m cutting your hand off for this shit. Sleeping with the enemy and betraying my brother’s memory. My niece is better off without your influence.” Gabriel spits the words in her face, and I take aim.

“Don’t stand there and act like you ever gave a shit about Joaquin! If you did, he’d still be alive. Instead, you had him take the fall, and when the DA found evidence he was innocent, you had him killed! He would have never ratted on you. He would have spent the rest of his life in jail because he loved you. And how did you pay him back? You never even let him meet his little girl. You stole his life! And now I’m going to fucking take yours.” Mercy stabs the guy holding her in the thigh and then throws the knife at Gabriel, but Lexy pushes him out of the way, taking the full brunt of the sharp weapon in the stomach.

“NO!” Mercy struggles to get to her sister, but Gabriel already has a gun aimed at her head.

I shot.

Gabriel falls to the ground, and I duck as someone fires at my location. I watch in horror as Mercy runs to her sister through the bullets flying my way.

I clip the asshole firing at me and look over to see Mercy pinned to the floor with Gabriel on top of her. He’s got his hands wrapped around her neck, and she’s turning purple.

“LET. HER. GO.” I push the gun into his skull as he backs away from Mercy.

She coughs and turns back to her sister.

“You must be Spark. I gotta say, your club must not think too much about loyalty to be sticking your cock into a married woman. How long before she turns on you, too?” Gabriel clutches his side where I already shot him.

“My club doesn’t hurt women or children, asshole. Loyalty is earned, and you don’t deserve any. Not after killing your own brother for crimes he never committed. Then you make his wife pay off a debt that was never hers? Your club is a fucking disgrace.” He coughs up some blood and then laughs.

“You don’t get to come into my turf and tell me how to deal with my family. My little sister needed to learn her place.” What?

“Sister?” I turn to Mercy, who is holding an unconscious Lexy in her arms.

“Half brother. It’s why my father was so involved with the club. Joaquin was also his half-brother. We have no blood ties.” I turn to face Gabriel.

“You would kill your sister, too?” He smiles at me and lifts his hand, giving me the middle finger.

“Bad blood. I get it now. Guess I’m doing the world a favor.” I step back to shoot him, but his laughter stops me.

“Kill me, and you’ll never find Lucy.” Mercy lays Lexy on the ground carefully and then walks up to Gabriel.

“What have you done?” She screams at him, but he just smiles with a mouth full of blood.

“You’ll never see her again.” Someone shoots at us and nearly misses Mercy’s head.

Gabriel goes to grab her again, and I blow the back of his head off.

“NO!” I grab her and pull her away from the gunfire and behind a car for cover.

“Jesus, Mercy! Aren’t you afraid of dying? You aren’t bulletproof!” I growl over the shouting and noise in the room.
