Page 21 of Spark

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“Nope. Are you?” If there was ever any doubt that I loved this woman, it was gone now.

“We gotta get out of here. It’ll cause a diversion. Get to the car and go to the clubhouse.” Before she can argue with me, I stand and run into the confusion.

I hear her call my name, but I don’t look back. This is what a true family does for their loved ones. They protect and fight back.



I watchin horror as Gabriel’s men ignore my sister, bleeding out and beating the shit out of Issac before dragging him away. I’m left with no choice but to do as he asked me to.

I’m still not sure how I made it to the car and drove across town. My mind is a fog of confusing emotions, but I know I made it because the clubhouse is going crazy around me, but my head just keeps circling back to the same phrase over and over.

I just lost everything.

“Other than the bruises on her throat, I can’t find any injuries.” Their doctor is still looking me over, and it’s like I’m witnessing everything happening from above.

“That blood came from somewhere,” Priest says, and I look around for the baby.

I ruined the baptism. Shit.

“It’s not mine. I’m sorry, I couldn’t stop them. I tried.” The thought of a child snaps me out of whatever disillusionment state I was floating in.

“MERCY! Where the fuck is Spark?” Wolf slams his palms on the table, and I don’t even flinch.

“Easy, she’s in shock. Give her a second.” The doctor in front of me growls over his shoulder at the president.

“It’s been fifteen minutes! If he’s bleeding out somewhere, we’ve wasted enough time here.” Wolf starts pacing, and I nod, blinking a few times slowly before then raising my head, to look at Priest.

“You’re the SAA, right?” He nods and crouches down to eye level in front of her, taking up the spot the doctor just vacated.

“They took him. He wasn’t hurt, but we need to get him back.” He takes my hands, and I shrug him off.

I don’t want anyone touching me but Spark.

“Who took him?” He backs off as he asks.

“MalaSangre, they want me back, but I can’t go. Not after they killed him. They took her! They have my baby!” I know I sound like a crazy person.

“Who did they kill, Mercy?” Priest asks me softly, but I shake my head, not wanting to go through that whole story again.

The door busts open, and Spark stands in the frame, looking like an avenging angel. I launch myself at him and cry into his neck. Full of relief that he’s okay but overwhelmed with loss.

“They took her!” I wail.

A woman I’ve never seen before is standing behind him with a huge frown on her face. She pushes past us and starts yelling.

“I am not a fucking crematorium for this fucking club. You are putting my business in jeopardy. Two bodies in less than a month? Someone better start explaining, now!” I can’t even bring myself to look at who she’s talking to.

“Sissy, I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I hear Wolf speak, and I glance right as the woman points at Spark.

“Issac showed up with a special delivery during business hours. I had to close up and send my staff home. Family emergencies can only explain so much, Franklin.” Aspen must be Wolf’s sister.

And from the look of things, she’s pissed at the club right now.

“Who did you burn?” Wolf asks Spark.

“Her brother. He tried to kill her.” I clutch to him harder.
