Page 23 of Spark

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I let out a sigh and looked over at my brother and his wife. Lord, how the mighty have fallen. All these new couples, babies, and loves sprouting out of this clubhouse is nauseating.

“Don’t drink the water.” Glitch clutches next to me like she’s reading my mind.

“At least you’re gay and don’t have to worry about babies.” She snorts, and it makes me raise an eyebrow at her.

“There has been discussion about ‘making’ a family.” Glitch air quotes the word with a look of disgust on her face.

“Lacey, you hate kids.” I smile when she rolls her eyes.

“I don’t hate them. Just find them useless until they can talk.” I laugh at her statement as Wolf walks over to me.

“Sissy?’ I raise my hand up, not ready to speak to him yet.

“Old lady Travers is the town gossip. Guess who saw him dump a dead body on my counter? It’s bad enough when you do it after hours.” I cross my arms and look away, feeling guilty like I always do.

If he knew that I was seeing a cop, he’d lose his shit. I’m lying to everyone I care about, and it’s eating me up inside. But Malachi is the only brightness in this darkness I live in. I won’t give him up. Not for the club and not for my brother.

My happiness fucking matters, and he’s going to start fucking respecting it.


“I’m sorry. It was an emergency. He had to.” He opens his arms for me, and I hesitantly walk into his arms for a hug.

“You aren’t Bear. This only works for him.” He shhh’s me and kisses the top of my head.

“Your clinic will be off-limits during daylight hours. Deal?” I roll my eyes but nod.

“Lair, but I appreciate you trying to stick to that rule.” I pull away and look at Glitch.

“Brunch this weekend?” She smiles and nods.

“You have a tall, dark, and handsome man to explain.” I swallow hard at her words.


She knows.

“Who?” Wolf growls, and I slap his arm.

“No of your business. I gotta go.” I glare at my best friend and practically run for the door.

When I climb into the cab of the clinic’s pick-up, I hear my phone ringing but can’t get to it in time. The number on the screen makes my heart skip a beat.

I clicked the re-dial option and then placed the phone in the carrier on speaker. He answers with his deep voice on the second ring.

“Omram,” he greets me, and I smile.

He won’t tell me what it means, and I’ve resisted the urge to do an online search.

“I had to run out for a moment. Had a little family emergency, but I’m on my way home now. Are we still on for dinner?” I turn out of the parking lot and start making my way home to shower and change.

His heavy sigh makes me slow down.

“I’m afraid not. I’ll be working all night. I am sorry.” I shrug, although he can’t see me.

“It’s alright. Nothing a tub of ice cream for dinner can’t cure How’s Foxy?” I change the subject to my new favorite patient.
