Page 24 of Spark

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“Better but still upset. She does not appreciate being in that kennel all day. She misses running.” I smile at the thought of his beautiful German Shepard partner.

“Her leg will be out of that cast soon.” I pull up to my house and tilt my head at a huge box in front of my door.

“Hold on. There’s a huge box blocking my door.” I put the phone in my back pocket and lifted the box before opening the door.

I kick it closed behind me and place it on my counter before pulling the phone back out and laying it next to the box while I open it.

“There’s no note. What in the world?” I gasped when I saw a vase full of red roses inside.

“Do you like them?” I can hear the smile in his voice.

“They’re beautiful.” I struggle to lift it.

“There must be three dozen,” I exclaim, and he chuckles.

“One for every day I’ve known you. Sleep well tonight, Omram. I must go.” The line goes dead, and I inhale the scent of the flowers.

I am arranging the vase on my counter when I see a note that spilled between the flowers. I smile to myself as I pull the card out and then freeze at the words printed on it.

Does he know what you burn for your loved ones?



“What happenedwhen you were dragged from the room? Did my sister get out? Is she dead? Oh god, I need to call Porchsa.” Mercy is spiraling now that she’s talking, and I can’t answer her quickly enough.

“I’m calling it, CHURCH!” Wolf bellows from somewhere behind me when he notices the look on my face.

I’d rather not have to say all this shit twice. What I wasn’t expecting was everyone from Paradise and New Orleans being here. I’m grateful for the backup, but the room is too small for all these motherfuckers.

“Heard congrats are in order. This is the one your Ma found tied to your bed, ya?” Dad smacks my Pa upside his head and then leans down to Mercy’s eye level.

“Ignore my husband. He’s all muscle and no brain. I’m Aiden, this one’s backup parent. You met our wife, I believe?” I roll my eyes at him.

They’re both fishing, Dad just did it more politely.

“You’d have to ask him. Not sure who he’s been kidnapping lately.” I growl at her, but my fathers both chuckle.

“Oh, I like you. This lad needs someone to give him a run for his money.” I grunt.

“She did that. Stole a half million dollars worth of merchandise from me. Cost me double to buy it back.” Mercy blushes, which is a fucking first, at my Pa’s whistle.

“Damn girly, well done.” I close my eyes and sigh.

“Find a wall, chair, or empty spot on the floor, but get comfortable. Spark,” Wolf sits and gives me the floor.

Right, story time.

“Mercy’s stepmother is Moses Baker’s wife.” Might as well just drop the bomb and watch it go off so everyone gets it out of their system.

“WHAT!” Viper screams, and I nod.

“Moses, is your dad?” Wolf asks, bewildered.

“NO!” Mercy yells.

“Lilith Baker re-married after being widowed. Her second husband was Mercy’s father. Honestly, looking at her, she’s got a bit of a black widow vibe. All three husbands deceased and not from natural causes.” Interesting.
