Page 25 of Spark

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“That’s cause they fucked her evil cunt. Oh, sorry. Can women talk at the table here? New club, new rules and all.” Mercy crosses her arms angrily at the thought of her stepmother, and I grin.

“We don’t treat our women differently here.” Rebel sneers the words.

“Easy baby, remember you’re cooking my little bun.” Wolf places his hand on her stomach, and I want to gag.

“Well, I got my block rung pretty good so that Mercy could make a clean break. Let those bastards get in a couple of cheap shots before I laid them out and cleaned up the scene as best I could. Lexy got into an ambulance before I left the area. Glitch?” I look at our hacker, and she nods.

“Checking,” She places a lollipop in her mouth and stares at her computer.

“I stole a car and took Gabriel to the clinic, then we came straight here.” I’m watching Mercy, whose eyes are glued on Glitch, waiting for information.

“And your daughter?” Priest asks, and my heart lurches.

“She was taken from me at birth and given to my stepmother to raise. It was their way of keeping me in line. Lexy would sneak me photos and video chat me when she could so Lucy knows who I am, but we haven’t been in the same room since she was born.” She chokes up, and I rub her back.

“That must have been very difficult.” Priest’s words are full of his own pain.

“You have no idea.” Mercy sighs.

“Trust me, I do. I need all the information you can give me on where she’s being kept.” The determination that fills his voice makes me glance up at Priest.

“Problem, I kind of killed him before he could tell us.” I cringe when the whole room glares at me.

“Lexy will know.” Mercy comes to my aide, and I love her for it.

“Bloody Irish temper.” Pa mumbles.

“He was choking my girl Pa.” I rub her neck softly.

“Well, never mind then.” Dad snorts, and I turn to Glitch, who is frowning at her computer.

“What?” I’ve seen that look too many times not to be worried my life hasn’t just gone from bad to worse.

“She’s alive, but according to the notes in her medical file, she’s in a coma. The live feed to her room is off, and there’s a guard at her door. Something is off here. Hold on.” She types for a few minutes and then sits back roughly.

“I’ll be damn, I think I just saw a ghost. Mercy?” She calls her over, and I reluctantly let her get off my lap.

When she sees the screen, her skin turns white as a ghost, and her knees buckle. Wolf is closer and grabs her before she hits the floor. I’m by her side a moment later, looking at the screen.

“It can’t be.” She whispers.

I see Glitch running facial recognition on the still frame photo, and when the name pops up, I understand why Mercy is practically comatose in my arms.

“Joaquin DeJesus.”




My entire life is all a bunch of lies. Full of people I once thought were family, and friends are really just all manipulators. How could I have been so blind?

“Of course, he wouldn’t have killed his own brother.” I hiss to myself, coming out of my shock.

“Mercy?” Spark cradles my face, and I rub my cheek into his palm.

“I don’t know what the fuck is going on, but clearly, my husband is alive. Can we fix that?” If anyone was wondering where my head was, that question seemed to answer it.
